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Wednesday - Horrible night for me at Stanleys...


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As only 6 players turned up for tonights comp. at Stanley's , with the agreement of casino management, we ran a series of 4 6 handed games with the casino providing a dealer rake / charge free, all with £30 buy in and 10,000 starting chips...No complaints about the first tourney...A short stacked all in push with K 8 was bested by Aces... It gets better though.... In the second game, I raise with pocket 3s from the small blind (blinds 200 and 400), and attract one caller....I flop trips, raise, and the other guy pushes all in...I call...He had flopped trip 7s ! I am left with 300 chips, and bust out next hand... It gets better still.... In the third game, I raise with pockets 5's and get one caller....I flop trips....Other guy (who out tripped me with his 7s to my 3s in the previous game..) Goes all in...I call...On a flop of J 8 5, I hit trips, and the other guy went all with J 8 for two pair...He hits a Jack on the Turn, for a full house ! The river is an 8 as well... And to compound my night of misery.... I call from the small blind with 10 8 off suit, as everyone except the dealer (and then the big blind..) had folded...I flop two pair....The dealer (the same guy who had took out me out of the previous two games..) goes all in...I call, which puts me all in...On a board of 8 10 J, the dealer held 7 9 off suit, and had flopped a straight ! Feel free to comment if you think I played badly, etc....

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Re: Wednesday - Horrible night for me at Stanleys... I personally don't like to raise low pairs as they are easily outdrawn. Saying that, If I'd hit my trips like you did then I probably would have done much the same to be honest. I prefer to limp when I get the small pairs and take it from the flop. Heads up aside when I would shove away. I'm not a very good player though so I'd probably ignore this until the more experienced PL'ers who haven't been working a night show up.

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