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Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore

Burnley Joe

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Hi As most of you know GAF cannot attend the Betfair game in singas:cry , so was thinking, instead of floggining it to somebody he does not know, why not play for it on here.:loon What about organising a torney for say Monday or Tuesday, entrance $50, but there has to be a mimimum of 50 players for it to go ahead, that way he gets value for his seat and one of us gets to go.:nana Ideas and would you be willing top pay that much?

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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore Possibly Joe, I still can't believe he's not going, must be mad, mad I say :loon ,because of work???? Call in sick, take unpaid leave the choices are plenty. If work really is the reason then you must admire his loyalty, wonder if the employers would show any to him should they get into strife?? I think not!! Gaf come on, chance of a lifetime, get your head in gear. ;) :ok :cheers

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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore

I've been offered a seat + hotel for £1200' date=' so I'll probably take that up. I'll need a fair bit of spending money though :beer[/quote']If your drinking in singapore you'll need lots of cash ............................... cost me a bloody fortune for 1 nights drinking, and that was 8-9 years ago ................... god knows what it costs now :loon
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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore Cheers Joe :ok I think we'd really struggle to get anywhere near enough PL'rs paying that kind of buy in to enter a private tourney, however there is another issue which makes it a non starter really. Betfair are closing the date on transfers for BAPT on Saturday (not sure if that's inclusive) so basically I have to tell them definitively by tomorrow who will be using the package........ Have just been reading the Betfair forum and there are loads for sale and as manbag says - looks like the asking price is significantly less than I'm asking, so it does look unlikely that I'll sell mine - but that's not a problem - if I dont sell it I'll be giving it to my Dad and he'll be going :ok (He's REALLY hoping it doesn't sell!!!)

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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore

I've been offered a seat + hotel for £1200' date=' so I'll probably take that up. I'll need a fair bit of spending money though :beer[/quote'] Do major event packages often resell at that much of a discount? :loon Seems madness to me (as a seller ;) ), but if I could go, I would have no hesitation paying that for it - for any "average" player that big a discount must offer positive ev?
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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore Hey GaF, didn't see the post saying you couldn't make it to the event but I know what you are going through :wall At least you have the option of your Dad going and taking a good proportion of any winnings he may come back with. Have you thought of letting someone on here have it for a nominal amount but 90% of any return? Obviously you would need to trust the person in question. GL with whatever you decide to do. FBF

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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore I think the problem with being a seller of the BAPT package at the moment is that there are so many people wanting to sell, and with it being so close to the cut-off point for new registrations, it drives the price down. I don't have any knowledge of whether other major event packages go for such a discount, but if they do I'm sure to play a lot more :loon Good luck with whatever you decide to do with the package m8

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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore Well I could give it away for an equity deal (actually have had quite a few offers up to £1500 plus equity) but to be honest - if I'm "giving it away" (or selling it at a huge discount) I'd rather give it to my Dad...... As I said, (time pending) I'd have no hesitation buying packages at that sort of price......

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Re: Would You Pay $50 to go to Singapore hmmmm , if you're drinking in singapore , plenty of night spots and drinking places in my area .Can't really recommend very nice places as i don't usually drink . The range of prices varies as well . It costs at the very least 6 pounds min i think . Enjoy yourself if you're going :ok Great place to be in though . BUT there's some kind of a haze problem going on right now due to the Indonesian Forest Fire ( Not too sure when that will clear up though )

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