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Omaha H/L Lunchtime Tourney - Key Hand 1


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Going to post a few of the key hands I was involved in from today's Prima game, Fixed Limit Omaha H/L - $5 entry. Will try and give 12 hours or so in between hands to give us a bit of time for discussion, it's great to get other people's views as I'm fairly inexperienced in the game myself. :ok At this point, reads I have: Sacha is very good, despite the low chipstack - has looked good and seems to have been unlucky. Kirsty is loose and plays lots of stuff, sometimes with less than premium hands. Dainiux is loose aggressive and looks like one of the better players. No real reads on other 4. I'm playing tight (honestly!) and have only voluntarily been involved in 2 pots, both of which I've won fairly small amounts on. 32 mins in so have just made a slight profit in chips when you take my blinds into account. ** Game ID 1004979716 starting - 2006-10-26 13:02:50 ** $5 Omaha H/L Fixed[636614]:Table 2 [Multi Table Omaha H/L] (50.00|100.00 Fixed Limit - MTT) Real Money - diego13 sitting in seat 1 with $1350.00 - sacha06 sitting in seat 2 with $955.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 3 with $1607.50 [Dealer] - petra15 sitting in seat 4 with $2522.50 - kirsty sitting in seat 5 with $1305.00 - tjaderized sitting in seat 6 with $960.00 - Dainiux sitting in seat 8 with $1950.00 petra15 posted the small blind - $25.00 kirsty posted the big blind - $50.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 3 of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs, 7 of Clubs, 4 of Diamonds tjaderized folded Dainiux raised - $100.00 diego13 folded sacha06 called - $100.00 Me to go, call, raise, or fold?

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Re: Omaha H/L Lunchtime Tourney - Key Hand 1 Okay... I did indeed call, as did Petra. Next... ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 3 of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs, 7 of Clubs, 4 of Diamonds tjaderized folded Dainiux raised - $100.00 diego13 folded sacha06 called - $100.00 JadedJ called - $100.00 petra15 called - $100.00 kirsty folded ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Hearts, 3 of Spades, Queen of Hearts petra15 checked Dainiux bet - $50.00 sacha06 called - $50.00 Pot is now at $550... call/raise/fold?

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Re: Omaha H/L Lunchtime Tourney - Key Hand 1 I called, hit the 5 on the river for the wheel, bet after Dainiux checked and was called - he mucked his hand so no idea what he had, but I made $1000 from it, my first big hand of the tourney.

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