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V Points


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Re: V Points Ah ok. That explains it then. Have played about 100 or so hands last few days but only on fixed limit $0.10/$0.20 tables and nothing showing yet. Still it paid for the Dublin daily which i got through in:ok:ok:ok:ok Thanks for that mate

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Re: V Points

Ah ok. That explains it then. Have played about 100 or so hands last few days but only on fixed limit $0.10/$0.20 tables and nothing showing yet. Still it paid for the Dublin daily which i got through in:ok:ok:ok:ok Thanks for that mate
I've played the 0.25/0.50 tables for about 10 hours since Wednesday, and I've got nothing either so I fired off an email yesterday asking them about it.
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Re: V Points nice1 mate :clap :clap thats 33 cheap flights to vegas:loon :lol :lol . i am on 30567 ay the moment :) i think the maxim kop vets seem to do well in the v points freeroll . maybe because the tourney is very similar (30%muppets,30%sitouts and about 350 entrants),i know i slip into autopilot on this and usually find it fairly easy to get at least top 50.

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Re: V Points Yep mate, if you can make it past the initial 90 mins where people play like fools, and the sit outs are blinded out, the game is pretty good and playing premium hands only gets you up there, maxim may have been a pain in the arse, but seems well worth it now!

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Re: V Points

Yep mate' date=' if you can make it past the initial 90 mins where people play like fools, and the sit outs are blinded out, the game is pretty good and playing premium hands only gets you up there, maxim may have been a pain in the arse, but seems well worth it now![/quote'] Actually it takes a lot longer than that for the sit outs to be blinded out. If I've done reasonably well in SpOdds CL I find that I join V points after 60-90 mins and have still got plenty of chips to sit tight on. Yesterday I joined at about 9.30 with 1850 chips I think (or was it 1750) and I went out eventually in 22nd. I saw sitouts still in around the 50 left mark, although a couple on my table had won their all-in twice to stay another circuit. I agree, it is very like the Maxim games, where occasionally a sit out would make it to the 27.
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Re: V Points

Let me know how you get on Gaz.:ok

I hadn't received a reply so I emailed them back this afternoon. 10 minutes later they sent me one back saying: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary, Apologies for not replying, the technical team are working on the update and I was going to email you once the total was up to date. I expect this to happen in the next couple of hours. Please check from tomorrow onwards and your points total should be up to date then. Regards Ed Balleny Vpoints Operations Manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doesn't really say alot, so if you haven't got anything showing tomorrow I'd send them an email.
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