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Good, Bad or Ugly??


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A very interesting situation here. STT - 4 players left. I put in a big bet with AJ (4 handed) which i thought would be the best hand. Then seats 3 and 4 both push all in. Now normally I would have folded - but I knew the big stack was very aggressive, and I thought the fellow small stack would probably win the hand - and in that case i would have been a remote 4th, but there was a chance of being a guaranteed 3rd if the big stack had won. I figured that, because I had more starting chips than Jerscho - if the big stack won the hand - I would finish third. If Jerscho won i was out with nothing. If I won I would be sitting pretty. With all that in mind - I thought the second situation was a better situation - so i called - the big stack won the hand - and I came 3rd. Opinions???? PokerStars Game #6665218508: Tournament #33885579, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2006/10/17 - 09:15:16 (ET) Table '33885579 1' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: the_cloud71 (2080 in chips) Seat 3: jerscho (2020 in chips) Seat 4: techunik (7235 in chips) Seat 5: Deckzor (2165 in chips) techunik: posts small blind 75 Deckzor: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to the_cloud71 [Js Ad] the_cloud71: raises 450 to 600 jerscho: raises 1420 to 2020 and is all-in techunik: calls 1945 Deckzor: folds the_cloud71: raises 60 to 2080 and is all-in techunik: calls 60 *** FLOP *** [Ks 6h 7h] *** TURN *** [Ks 6h 7h] [9h] *** RIVER *** [Ks 6h 7h 9h] [4d] *** SHOW DOWN *** techunik: shows [Ah Kc] (a pair of Kings) the_cloud71: shows [Js Ad] (high card Ace) techunik collected 120 from side pot jerscho: shows [Jd Jc] (a pair of Jacks) techunik collected 6210 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6330 Main pot 6210. Side pot 120. | Rake 0 Board [Ks 6h 7h 9h 4d] Seat 1: the_cloud71 showed [Js Ad] and lost with high card Ace Seat 3: jerscho (button) showed [Jd Jc] and lost with a pair of Jacks Seat 4: techunik (small blind) showed [Ah Kc] and won (6330) with a pair of Kings Seat 5: Deckzor (big blind) folded before Flop

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Re: Good, Bad or Ugly?? Hi Cloud, It may have been better if you'd put a poll at the top and omitted the other players hands - it's very easy for us to say you played the hand badly when we can see what they were holding! :ok I might've played this one against one player but as soon as the second one called, it would be folded as you have to believe that at least one of them is ahead of you. :cry However, you're the one that's been playing and you should have a feel for the way they've been re-raising, etc - next time, it may be the right decision! Better luck next time! :hope TQM

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Re: Good, Bad or Ugly?? Hi Mate, saw the title and thought you were talking about a night out in plymouth! Have to agree with TQM, its easy for us to say when we have seen the hands, if you had been playing a while and as you say one is just aggresive, then maybe I would have thought of calling, but as the other guy went all in i probably would have ditched, but then again I know what i`m like for not letting go of cards. Always next time mate, and you did at least take me out for £20 last week! LOL

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