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Idiots Guide please


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Re: Idiots Guide please

yes' date=' but as straights and flushes don't count, then A 2 3 4 5 simply represents 5 differently numbered cards all 5 or under. Hence a straight flush of Ah 2h 3h 4h 5h, would split the pot with Ad 2s 3c 4d 5s - I think :unsure[/quote'] Ah, now I get it. :) Not the sharpest tool in the box you see, the fact that A,2,3,4,5 IS a straight was throwing me :lol :lol
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Re: Idiots Guide please A2234 is not a 5 card Razz hand really. If your 7 cards are A22349K...then your Razz hand is A2349...that is your lowest 5 different cards. If you hold AA35589 then your Razz hand is A3589...your lowest 5 different cards.

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Re: Idiots Guide please

A2234 is not a 5 card Razz hand really. If your 7 cards are A22349K...then your Razz hand is A2349...that is your lowest 5 different cards. If you hold AA35589 then your Razz hand is A3589...your lowest 5 different cards.
Thank you :$ Think hold'em may be keeping me for a while yet :ok
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Re: Idiots Guide please

So A' date='2,2,3,4? Pair of 2's which is higher than 5 random so worse hand then? Or am I away the wrong way again?[/quote'] Sounds like you have it spot on - if your hand was A223444, then A2234 would be your best 5 card hand :ok Of course it would be amazing if you could win it with a pair of 2's, but your read is correct :ok......
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Re: Idiots Guide please

Seen it too (obviously) and I just don't get it, is there any skill involved in this game? Didn't look like it to me. Howard Lederer was in a foul mood throughout which was amusing. :ok :cheers
In the HORSE games we have played so far, the Razz has proven by far to be my most profitable round.........
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Re: Idiots Guide please Hi all, here are the words of wisdom from Ubermonkey (he asked me to post it) and he taught me to play HORSE :ok really and truely the aim is to get the lowest 5 card hand with the same lo setup as omaha and stud. so if you have a 3 6 8 9 10 k .your lo hand is 9 high .as before if 2 X9 highs draw it goes to the next lowest card which is the 8 etc etc. the biggest tip i can give on this and any of the stud games is to keep a eye on the cards that are now blanked. with any 7 cards game many more cards will be visible so take advantage of the extra information:ok as you need 5 diffrent cards to get a lo hand ,it is handy if more of the cards you have other people have . this is because pairs are just what you do not want in razz as it limits your hand. on the other hand if a lot of the cards you need are gone then your out cards decrease. obviously go for hands that are 3 lo cards to start(8 lo or better), but keep a eye on other people ,if they complete(a sort of raise)and have a 7 or 8 showing you can bet the other 2 cards that you cannot see are very good ,probabably a2. so at least it gives you a idea of what they may have also if somebody with a ace showing just calls they may be a bit weaker in the pocket if a paint cards(picture card) comes on the 4th for you and your opponent hits a ok card (9lo)get out of the hand if he bets ,you are in deep trouble usually:ok . the real problem with this game is that once you get past the 5th card you pretty much have to call, unless you have done the wrong thing earlier in the hand and really left yourself with no chance at all. again i hope this helps:ok

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Re: Idiots Guide please

Originally Posted by -ed- viewpost.gif Seen it too (obviously) and I just don't get it, is there any skill involved in this game? Didn't look like it to me. Howard Lederer was in a foul mood throughout which was amusing. :ok :cheers
In the HORSE games we have played so far, the Razz has proven by far to be my most profitable round.........
Is that a "yes" or a "no"? :tongue2
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Re: Idiots Guide please

In the HORSE games we have played so far' date=' the Razz has proven by far to be my most profitable round.........[/quote'] Good for you then Gaf, but is there any skill involved? Other than bullying people off the pot I mean? I'm not saying there's no skill btw, I couldn't really see any but my mind is open to learning??:ok :cheers
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Re: Idiots Guide please

Is that a "yes" or a "no"? :tongue2
:lol :lol :lol I feel I have an edge over other PL'rs in Razz (as opposed to the other variations where I feel they have an edge over me) - to have an edge, then there needs to be skill involved doesn't there? :unsure What am I doing right? Or what are others doing wrong? Not the foggiest I'm afraid.......
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