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No Limit Cash Game Help


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Hi All, My tournament play is going to be greatly curtailed soon (wife is 8 months pregnant :loon ), so a lot of my poker will have to be short and sharp - which means cash poker will probably be the order of the day - so I can start and finish whenever I can. However, I am a really bad cash player - but that is because I only play limit cash games - and do have a tendency to go on tilt with all the annoying rivers. So I am thinking of trying my hand at the no-limit cash game - which I have barely ever played. Anyone recommend any books/websites for this game??

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help The 1 thing I will say is that to be successful at the cash games you have to be prepared to play for a few hours at least and be very patient. If you have not got at least 2 hours spare then you should not be starting a game IMO. I can often sit there for a few hours barely breaking even before I get my monster hand to double up. I will usually play 4 10 seater tables and play very tight. You can go to the 6 seater tables and play more loosely but be prepared for your bank to go and down like a yo yo. 6 seaters are not for me and are quite hard to play.

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help While on the subject of Cash Game Help, could someone maybe explain a reason for this. I start with about $50 playing cash games to get my deposit bonus, and think I'm quite good getting myself up to around $500 in no more than a week. Then all of a sudden I start on a losing run, and the money vanishes. Why? I don't think I play any differently, but I must do as its happened on 4 different occasions now. I've lost about $320 on Full Tilt since Monday, and I just can't see what I'm doing wrong.

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help

While on the subject of Cash Game Help, could someone maybe explain a reason for this. I start with about $50 playing cash games to get my deposit bonus, and think I'm quite good getting myself up to around $500 in no more than a week. Then all of a sudden I start on a losing run, and the money vanishes. Why? I don't think I play any differently, but I must do as its happened on 4 different occasions now. I've lost about $320 on Full Tilt since Monday, and I just can't see what I'm doing wrong.
It's a difficult one mate but goes back to my previous post of patience is they key. All bad players get lucky and make money short term. Only the top players make regular money from cash games. I am not saying you are a bad player but you are probably playing too many hands. I will probably only play 1 or 2 hands per 10 hands I am dealt. Of them quite a few will be ditched at the flop. The hands I play I want to paid out on. It's nice to get some discussions on cash games its an area of PL we dont go into enough at the moment.
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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help One other thing I would say is the following. Are you increasing your Blinds. I can do very well at certain levels and totally crap at other levels. With cash games you should always have enough money to cover at least 10 * the buyins. Most players will say 50* the buyins.

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help Cloud, Rather than going straight from Limit to no limit, have you considered pot limit?. If I play cash games, that is what I tend to go for. It has an advantage in that you can bluff more, which you can't do in limit, and can be very dangerous in No limit, while still having enough room to shove a bit in the pot on turn and river to make hands profitable. I too tend only to play one or two hands in 10, but can still make it pay when I feel like a quick bit of poker, and don't have time for a tourney. Just a thought....

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help If you want to try NL cash games then I would go for 25/50 cent table to get the feel for it. As Staffy says, play tight and wait for a hand to get the $'s in. After a while you will be able to bluff a bit due to playing tight. Good luck

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help ok just completed a little experiment for you. Played 2 cash games for almost 2 hours and wrote down my actions. Basically in 150 hands I folded 103 hands without putting any money into the pot. Out of the remainder of the hands I had 18 BB and 18 SB of which most were folded apart from a few 1 of which i won with ace high flush. About 5 hands I called then folded. Then there was a few hands where I either called or raised. In total I only played about 20 hands out of 150 hands. In that time I was 20% up. I wont tell you what stakes I was playing but basically I won 20% of a buy in. Not much but that is why you need patience. It takes time to win money playing cash games.

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help

It's a difficult one mate but goes back to my previous post of patience is they key. All bad players get lucky and make money short term. Only the top players make regular money from cash games. I am not saying you are a bad player but you are probably playing too many hands. I will probably only play 1 or 2 hands per 10 hands I am dealt. Of them quite a few will be ditched at the flop. The hands I play I want to paid out on. It's nice to get some discussions on cash games its an area of PL we dont go into enough at the moment.
Thanks Staffy. It may well be that I'm a bad player. One reason I didn't play on the cash tables in Vegas was because I don't think I'm a very good cash game player. It's just very strange that it always seems to be around the $500 mark that the money starts to drip away. Maybe its my attitude? I don't really vary the blind level (apart from the odd couple of times, but that was when I was winning). 0.50/1 is what I play, although I did drop down to 0.25/0.50 today and made a small profit in 2 hours. I'll try playing less hands tonight and see what happens.
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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help Cheers for the advice people - I hadn't considered Pot-Limit Spurman - it might be something I'll have a go at. Can I ask a follow on question with regards to pot-limit and no-limit. Is it advisable to be the biggest stack??? I ask this question, because when I have tried no-limit in the past (a handful of times), I have doubled up once or twice - but then just as easily lose the lot. Or is it advisable to play with a bank, and when doubling up - taking half of it out???

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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help

The 1 thing I will say is that to be successful at the cash games you have to be prepared to play for a few hours at least and be very patient.
Exactly... cash tables are not for quickies :unsure ... or they can become very costly. Have you thought about stt's??
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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help

Exactly... cash tables are not for quickies :unsure ... or they can become very costly. Have you thought about stt's??[/quote] STT's are what I mainly play, but if I start one, I won't be able to guarantee that I'll be able to play for however long it takes - the beauty of the cash game is that you can leave whenever you want. It might be that I could sit down for two or three hours at a time, but when I start I won't know that (depends on when baby will want to eat/sleep/wee/poo/puke :puke )
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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help yup - I switched to cash games earlier this year for the same reason however now I can 'guarentee' that I will get 2-3 hours to play after Holly has had a feed as she sleeps - so I am back playing STT's being stuck in a STT with a crying baby is not the most calm of situations...... (esp around the bubble with the blinds killing you!) play cash - multi-table to improve the hourly rate (even if its 2 tables) and be prepared to close a table if you a) hit your target or b) are having a mare Good luck:ok Damo ps the great thing about the baby is tho you can use him/her as your randomiser: to do this sit him/her on you knee whilst you are playing and wait for the coo/gurgle/splutter so: one coo for call two coo's for raise 3 coo's for fold 4 coo's for shove etc etc etc that way no one will ever be able to get a read on you!:dude I did that once playing 5/10c NL and got aked why i shoved a raise with something like 10 4 - so when i said my baby had coo'd 4 times which means shove I did so - needless to say the guy with JJ wasn't amused by answer and was less amused as I hit trips to break his BR (about $4 or so) :rollin (I then of course only shoved with a decent hand next time - KK - and got 2 callers, so was up about $40 and left after hitting trips - dead easy really:eek

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Guest gazza271

Re: No Limit Cash Game Help

ps the great thing about the baby is tho you can use him/her as your randomiser: to do this sit him/her on you knee whilst you are playing and wait for the coo/gurgle/splutter so: one coo for call two coo's for raise 3 coo's for fold 4 coo's for shove etc etc etc that way no one will ever be able to get a read on you!:dude I did that once playing 5/10c NL and got aked why i shoved a raise with something like 10 4 - so when i said my baby had coo'd 4 times which means shove I did so - needless to say the guy with JJ wasn't amused by answer and was less amused as I hit trips to break his BR (about $4 or so) :rollin (I then of course only shoved with a decent hand next time - KK - and got 2 callers, so was up about $40 and left after hitting trips - dead easy really:eek [=robilaruk;591982] Thats the funniest thing I've read in ages, PMSL :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: No Limit Cash Game Help Just to add my agreement, that playing when you don't have time is a killer. My son is 10 months old, and I only play after he's gone to bed, and my wife is home. If you don't have at least 1 - 2 hours to play a cash game, don't do it. Staffys figures are about right, when you're folding 90% of your cards preflop you need time. I find 9 player STT's much safer, If I win it takes about 45 mins to play one, but you'll soon get into a habit of knowing when the baby is asleep and your going to get a few hours.

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