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Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll


Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll  

  1. 1.

    • I Wouldnt buy One
    • Up To $1
    • Up To $5
    • Up To $10
    • Up To $20
    • Up To $50
    • Up To $100
    • $100 or more

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This is a quick subject i'm covering in one of my modules for my masters course and i'd really appreciate if i could get some real statistics to use. the question is this. If you could download a video tutorial on play tips by an (arbitrary) online poker pro. imagine its one who plays at your buyin level. how much (if nything) would you be willing to pay to download it and therefore view it as many times as you like?

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll As I am a member of the best betting site on the net with it's own poker forum :cow I get the best value advice and tips from other members that play on the same sites and at roughly the same buy-ins as myself. I would however, if i found one, consider paying upto $5 to have a "master class" from one of the pro's that I could refer back to (cheapskate - i know, my Super System 2's were all free as I won them and I have a library card and access to the net).:ok

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll I won a Devilfish chipset which came with a Devifish DVD - have to say I found it EXTREMELY poor and that has really put me off of DVD's/Videos.... so it would take a lot of persuassion for me to spend anything..... Strange as I am more than happy to spend on books .... having a quick count - there are 14 on my bookshelf bought in the last year or so ..... I take the view (often expressed on Poker Night Live) that if you pick up just one really useful thing from a book then it probably pays for itself. Overall I think the books are well worth the money I have spent on them :ok

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll I actually got a dvd like that as a consolation prize... and I left it behind :unsure I wouldn't pay for one, but I could have taken that dvd with me :$ HOWEVER... I believe in "Learning by doing"... and when you watch a poker pro's dvd, do you learn how to play poker or are you adopting someone's game (as all the pro's have different styles :unsure ) I don't know... but I have been wondering about that... and if it is good for YOUR game... Any thoughts?? PS... if this pro is such a good player... why does he need to sell poker dvd's... he should make enough money as it is :loon ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll My answer is based on paying £10 for a DVD. I think I would probably prefer one with more than one pro's opinion so perhaps (in this imaginary scenario) one produced by an online site with a few sponsored players to its name (although perhaps they wouldn't want to encourage everyone to go off and play live ?). :ok

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll if I thought it could improve my game and my long term ROI even 1 or 2%, i'd pay 20 buy ins, without a thought. Knowledge is the most important thing in the world, a $100, or even $1000 outlay is nothing at all, if you have confidence that it you can leverage it into larger profits. Without the confidence that it would improve my roi, then nothing. Also the question is pretty meaningless because it deals in absoulte cash terms, for a $100+$10 player, $50 is nothing, if you're playing $10 tournements or .05/.10 cash tables then it's a huge sum. For it to have any relevance, it needs to be reworded for number of buy-ins. (just my opinion of course :>)

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll the data is collected with a pre-calculated distribution of players 'buyin' affordability levels and video quality/value. just answering honestly is mroe than enough. re: runadrum. some video's may be produced by more than one person as a collaboration. some may be based on pre-existing educational material (imagine a video version of HoH)

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll I think it's a difficult question to answer. Usually, I wouldn't buy it at all. I generally don't like learning things by video; I find books much more convenient. There might be exceptions that are particularly suited to video, though. I do buy a lot of books. But if I'd heard a lot of very good things about the video, I might pay up to $20 for it. I haven't voted, as I'm not sure if this counts as "wouldn't buy" or $20".

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll I would pay an amount for this. I've read a number of books on poker, and summise that a DVD which contained material of a similar quality to those books would be a worthwhile investment. I agree with Foolsgold that the amount people are willing to part with will relate to their buy-in level, and also to their fiscal situation in life generally.

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll Tough question. I find that reading the books I have to re-read the same page/paragraph several times sometimes to get the gist of what is being said. Therefore, I would probably need an 30 minute/hour video for one element of play so that it could be explained and reiterated several times otherwise I don't think it would be worth watching it. General overviews are interesting but don't help you with the mechanics of how to carry out the theory and this is the key part for me. How to improve your play. I would therefore be looking for specific elements to download and at a reasonable cost (as there are lots of different aspects to how to play). Would I pay more for a video account of HoH? No. I couldn't afford it based on what I have just outlined at a cost of $10 per download, maybe at $5 or less but it would depend on the quality of what I was getting and the amount of detail. Might help if I wasn't taking so long to get the hang of this dang game :\

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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll my buy in? not much I would pay for someone who played ABOVE my buy in (I mean a lot above) surely you want to improve your game, so a consistent winner at a couple of levels above you makes more sense?

This is a quick subject i'm covering in one of my modules for my masters course and i'd really appreciate if i could get some real statistics to use. the question is this. If you could download a video tutorial on play tips by an (arbitrary) online poker pro. imagine its one who plays at your buyin level. how much (if nything) would you be willing to pay to download it and therefore view it as many times as you like?
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Re: Poker Players - Please Answer This Poll I said I would pay up to $5, but really I'm not a fan of downloading an individual video. I really enjoy books, but I'm a visual learner. I like to see someone do something and know "it works," lol. I belonged to Cardrunners for a little bit (stopped playing cash games as much, so not anymore) and really enjoyed it. Pro videos certainly can be a helpful learning tool for someone like me. I can read dozens of books that tell me a certain situation is a prime spot for this or that, but I won't believe it until I see it. :)

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