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Heads up on Full Tilt


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Re: Heads up on Full Tilt

TexasLimitKing posts as Alex123 on twoplustwo - exactly who he is I don't know' date=' but seems very likely based on his posts he's an internet-based player and not some name pro.[/quote'] When I Googled, one of the more authoritative sounding claims I found said he was a Greek guy living in Sweden with first name "Alexandros" and "a very difficult" last name. I also found a post by somebody who "knew" he was Darrel Dickens (whoever he is) because he'd typed "He's Darrel Dickens" into Full Tilt chat and had his chat banned. But general opinion seemed to be he'd been banned for saying "dick". :lol
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Re: Heads up on Full Tilt

Damn - missed this :sad Have never watched a high stakes game on the net before (never even looked tbh) - so am going on a surf around the rooms to see what I can find :loon
I've watched Joe Hachem (or his son ;))on PokerStars playing Omaha Hi Lo. :ok
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Re: Heads up on Full Tilt lol very quick play, guess they can afford better laptops than us average joe's, the chat is very poor, but the other day jennifer was talking too the observers and mattusow was talkin about his achilies heel, his sports betting, should get him too join PL. how about a bonus point in BPP like with tikay for any1 who gets a FT pro to respond too the question, not to sure how this could be shown, maybe replaying chat box on this thread, just an idea maybe not very practical!

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