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Things that annoy you at poker.


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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

Have to confess' date=' I'll sometimes do that, depending on the exact circumstances/stack sizes :unsure If he hasn't got an Ace, he cannot call - so the ace can be as scary a card for him as for me......but if I check, it's easy for him to push me off the hand (I can make a bet with the overcard, but it's a hell of a lot harder to call one)[/quote'] You're right sometimes it'll work. Against me at least anyway, first few rounds I'm folding A Rag preflop anyway. Even if I've got to the flop holding it somehow, I'm going to figure I'm out kickered with anything less than A J and fold. But I'm a fairly tight player. Other thing that pisses me off is bad losers, throwing the toys out the pram when you lose a $5 STT strikes me as the most petty thing in the world, if you care about the money enough to get upset, then you shouldn't play, in fact if losing upsets you, then you can't play correctly, because you can't play with the agression required to win Isn't gambling a pastime for gentlemen (and women;) ) anyway ?
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

Not Good....They have nearly fallen asleep, sent chips flying all over the place (table, floor, their lap), spilt drinks, and generally just made a total twat of themselves...
Oh dear that sounds like the strategy Ed was aiming for in Walsall, it's the one he used in Glasgow :lol
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

Oh dear that sounds like the strategy Ed was aiming for in Walsall' date=' it's the one he used in Glasgow :lol[/quote'] :rollin :rollin :rollin :lol :rollin :rollin :rollin Very witty Mrs, close but not quite, was indeed pissed as a fart but didn't spill drinks or chips and managed (just) to stay awake. Plan for Walsall is a few to steady the nerves ;) :cheers
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. I don't generally get annoyed at bad beats. If I'm all in with pocket aces and he calls with 33 and gets another 3 on the flop, or even on the river, I can cope with that. But when he gets a 3 on the flop and then gets another one on the turn or river, that's just rubbing it in. Unnecessary and rude, IMO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Things that annoy you at poker. When ur doing well and the phone rings/knock at door, ohh wait this call may be important so u go answer. "Hello my name is who ****en cares and i would like to sell u (add shite product here)" U get back just as ur AA is timed out :@ grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Things that annoy you at poker. I think this was even more annoying/amusing than the players who get abusive when they take a bad beat ... somebody who was jovial about it ... I was playing in a Level 3 "Rounders" STT on Prima yesterday. Effectively a $112.50 + $11.25 buy-in, though I got there through rounds 1 and 2 for $5.50. First hand he lost: "lol, the draws always hit in low stakes internet poker" Second hand he lost: "lol, you just gotta love low stakes internet poker, don't ya?" Some brave soul said "actually, this is quite high stakes for me". "lol, I don't play high stakes online. i never buy in for more than a few hundred dollars" Not quite as funny as when I witnessed a bragging battle about their WSOP accomplishments by two players on Paradise ... on the $0.01/$0.02 NL cash tables.

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. People who say "gg" as they THINK they knock someone out of a game, only to see their opponent still sat there having had more chips than them and are still in the game.... .... yes, I do this all the god-damn time!! :rollin edit: 46 posts on why we hate the game, yet we all still play it!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Things that annoy you at poker. Players who say they're pro's in the chat box on a $5 STT and proceed to abuse everyone on the table after making some iffy calls. Later found out that the "Pro" came 505th out of 505 in a $5 MTT. You know many pro's who would bust out 1st out of 505 amateurs!!

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. When two players have the same whole cards (ie both have JJ) and they say 'nh' 'u2'..... :eyes Just to add, Gazza and I both had KQos earlier on tonight. He won the hand through aggression. I did say "good play" as he bet me off it, but if through good play we split the pot that's a different matter.

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