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Things that annoy you at poker.


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I'll start. People who push with KK after an Ace flops and are surprised that someone calls them with A 2 off suit and beats them. It's such a fcuking stupid call, but people make it every time. By all means push pre flop, but to wait and see such a blatent danger on the board and them shove is beyond me. Anyone else got one ??

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. It annoys the hell out of me when you get muppets who keep going all in pre flop. It's just boring and lazy if you ask me. Spoils the game until they go out (which they always do) It wound me up the other night and for the first time ever I had to say something.

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

People who say GG or WP when you have not had a GG or WP.
The one thing that annoys me is when someone congratulates your opponent for knocking you out by saying nh or vnh when it was just luck and not good play ............................. pocket 9's making trips and beating pocket aces after being all-in preflop isn't a vnh ....................... its lucky :@ :@ :@ ....................... if i went all-in after my opponent made his set, then that would be good play by them and worth congratulating
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

People who push with KK after an Ace flops and are surprised that someone calls them with A 2 off suit and beats them. It's such a fcuking stupid call' date=' but people make it every time. By all means push pre flop, but to wait and see such a blatent danger on the board and them shove is beyond me. [/quote'] Have to confess, I'll sometimes do that, depending on the exact circumstances/stack sizes :unsure If he hasn't got an Ace, he cannot call - so the ace can be as scary a card for him as for me......but if I check, it's easy for him to push me off the hand (I can make a bet with the overcard, but it's a hell of a lot harder to call one)
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. According to Albert Einstein,God does not play dice.And i think we can safely assume that he's not much cop at Texas Holdem either.Because if he was,then he would surely have given Moses an extra set of Commandments for Poker Players to follow.These ancient stone tablets would be carved with directives about how to behave at the table,and they'd put an end to many of the dumb arguments and bad behaviour we have to put up with on a daily basis. (By the way,if you need any further theological proof that the Almighty steers clear of casino's,I refer you to one commandment that did make the cut.Any deity who thinks " THOU SHALT NOT STEAL " is a good idea,has obviously never been sat on the button with 8/2 os and a couple of rocks in front of him.) But never mind. I dare say he's done a pretty good job with other things,like sunsets and bunny rabbits and hummingbirds.So,out of Christian duty,i'm quite happy to fill in for him on this long-neglected task.sleazy What follows are my Ten Commandments for happy gambling.And while i did'nt have to part the red sea or endure decades in the wilderness to get them,i can assure you that over the years i've had to play with an awful lot of Crap. 1ST COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT SMEAR FOOD ALL OVER THE CARDS " We've all seen him,the sloppy twat chewing on some chicken wings as he plays,picking up his hole cards with fingers that are dripping with grease.If he's clever,it's a cunning way of marking the cards;if he's just careless it's a quick way to ruin a deck and pass on germs. Think where else he puts them lips. Think where else he puts those fingers. Then ask him to use some tissues eh ?. 2ND COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT KEEP A POKER FACE EVEN WHEN YOU'RE NOT IN THE HAND " Okay, you folded J-4 and the flop comes 4-4-4.You react by groaning and twisting your face in agony.You might as well shout out loud what your cards were,and you've ruined anyone's chances of bluffing the pot.If you must whine about your luck,at least hold your breathe untill the hand is over. 3RD COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT TYPE "nh" INTO THE CHATBOX " This may be the most annoying thing about internet poker.Some guy goes all-in with pocket Aces,hits a set,and after he wins the pot someone writes "nh" or "nice hand"; Did it take any skill to play it ? NO! So reserve your praise for when an opponent does something genuinely crafty. 4TH COMMAMNDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT ADVISE PLAYERS IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE HAND " We're playing for money right? So keep your big beak out of it if your no longer betting. Don't share your fabulous insights-He has'nt got the flush!He must be bluffing! - because it wont make you look like a genius.It's just so bleeding irritating. 5TH COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT WEAR SUNGLASSES " There is only 2 types of people who wear sunglasses indoors : Blind people and Arsholes.rofl 6TH COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT CRITICISE BAD PLAYERS " Of course,it's tempting to lecture some fish who just hit a runner- runner straight despite your hefty bets with top pair,but if you actually tell him he's a fool,he may do something about it.Bite your tongue and get his chips later. 7TH COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT MESS UP THE BANK " If it's your home game,take responsibility for the buy-in cash.Keep it in a safe place,preferably a closeable tin.And if there's a shortfall at the end of the night,don't expect the winner to pay for it from his profit. " Your gaff,Your loss ". 8TH COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT TALK TRASH ABOUT BEING GAY " There's nothing wrong with winding your opponents up,especially online where they can't actually reach over and break your nose for yer,but try to be more immaginative.Anything about you sleeping with your opponents Mother or him sucking dick has all the lively wit of an editorial in the TRACTORS GAZETTE.You don't have to be Oscar Wilde,but aim a bit higher than Julian Clarey,eh ? 9TH COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT JUSTIFY YOUR PLAY AFTERWARDS " Okay,so you got beaten in a hand and you're feeling bad about it.But that's no reason to turn your cards over to show that you had second pair or gutshot draw.All you're trying to say is, "See fellas,I'm not such a total fool". But what you're really doing is giving them a valuable insight into what you play with.The best way to prosper at poker? As they say in Yorkshire " SEE ALL,HEAR ALL,SAY NOWT ". 10TH COMMANDMENT " THOU SHALT NOT PLAY WITH CHEATS " We're all in this game together,so if you catch somebody cheating it's your duty to banish them for ever more. And to let everyone else know that they're dishonest.So long as you can prove it,spread the word on forums and in conversation.And if you cheat yourself - well "GO TO HELL "!

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

The one thing that annoys me is when someone congratulates your opponent for knocking you out by saying nh or vnh when it was just luck and not good play ............................. pocket 9's making trips and beating pocket aces after being all-in preflop isn't a vnh ....................... its lucky
this annoys me too :sad
people chasing flushes with low suited cards regardless of what bet you put in' date='then hitting it on the river so their 37 suited wins it........wtf are they in the pot for.[/quote'] ...and this :sad
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

The one thing that annoys me is when someone congratulates your opponent for knocking you out by saying nh or vnh when it was just luck and not good play ............................. pocket 9's making trips and beating pocket aces after being all-in preflop isn't a vnh ....................... its lucky :@ :@ :@ ....................... if i went all-in after my opponent made his set' date=' then that would be good play by them and worth congratulating[/quote'] No point me posting, this sums up my opinions perfectly :ok :cheers
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. Myself, and PLers. Myself because I forget I don't have a god-given right to win any hand/tournament/oscar nomination. I do let myself down on occasion but I try and be courteous because that is honestly the way I feel regardless of how annoyed I am. PLers because they are tough cookies. Give me a tourney with one or two PLers and I'm happier than when playing focus games because I show them too much respect. Jaded with AA... :puke

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. In Casino's recently, I have seen two people, including a guy last night, get very pissed (drunk) while playing poker.... Not Good....They have nearly fallen asleep, sent chips flying all over the place (table, floor, their lap), spilt drinks, and generally just made a total twat of themselves... I have a beer before a game, and after a game, sure, but stick to coffee or soft drinks while playing....

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

wombles who say sorry when they take peoples chips are they bollox - I want all the chips on the table and never feel sorry for someone really gets my goat Damo
VERY True Damo....I just give em a "You Fcuking WHAT ?" Look....Twats.... We are ALL there aiming to win the table / tourney arent we ?
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. I don't see any harm in the "nh", "ty", "sorry" business. In fact, when somebody has pocket aces and flops another ace, what's wrong with saying "nh"? It is a nice hand, there's no denying that! What's illogical is the "ty" in response, as though telling you that your hand was nice was some kind of personal compliment. I do (sometimes) say "sorry" when I take somebody's chips, but only when I've beaten them by being very lucky. Of course, I'm not really sorry ... though actually I am a little sorry, as I'd much rather have taken their chips by outplaying them ... but it's just one of those little social niceties, and I don't see any harm in it. Of course, if it really annoys any of you when I say sorry ... then I'll try to remember to do it more often. Anything to put you on tilt! :tongue2

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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

In Casino's recently, I have seen two people, including a guy last night, get very pissed (drunk) while playing poker.... Not Good....They have nearly fallen asleep, sent chips flying all over the place (table, floor, their lap), spilt drinks, and generally just made a total twat of themselves...
That sounds like a preview of the Poker next wednesday night in Birmingham after the races in Worcester :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker.

In Casino's recently, I have seen two people, including a guy last night, get very pissed (drunk) while playing poker.... Not Good....They have nearly fallen asleep, sent chips flying all over the place (table, floor, their lap), spilt drinks, and generally just made a total twat of themselves... I have a beer before a game, and after a game, sure, but stick to coffee or soft drinks while playing....
You're right, it's not good to play whilst pissed. Last game I played at the August meet I was too pissed really, too pissed to pay it the amount of attention it deserved anyway. Although, somewhat bizarrely, I won. Mainly by virtue of being the only person not to get badbeat by Jeffers (how do you like your quad 2s:lol) My main pet hate is foreign talk in the chatbox, and people typing 'he he' or 'ha ha' when they badbeat you. There's only one thing worse than losing without dignity and that's winning without it. I generally don't mind trash talk during a game, although I rarely start it I've got quite good at it. You need to make people want to beat you so bad they make daft decisions.
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Re: Things that annoy you at poker. I have to agree that I get really wound up by the muppets that constantly go ALL IN until they go out.:wall:wall:wall This is most probably because when I have had enough and call them with a bloody good hand then they flop or river the nuts when they actually started with sweet FA. :@:@:@

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