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Last Post - Problem


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Last Post - Problem It doesn't work for me either :cry if you look @ the link for the Goto Last Post in this thread (the number will be different now i have posted lol) it is :

Where does it get the value for lastpost from, as i think this is the problem, as it should be 588891. To test it manually, try this link, it works :

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Re: Last Post - Problem Just noticed this post Paul,*yep*works*for*me*now* :ok** Now*ive*just*got*to*remember*that*it*works,*and*get*out*of*the*habit* of*loading*the*last*page*and*scrolling*to*the*last*post**:D

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Re: Last Post - Problem I know what i did now ! I wrote out my message and did my browser spell checker as normal, but it wouldn't work. So i clicked that new icon (i think its new, switchmode.gif) to get back to the normal edit/reply mode ( i don't know how it changed from normal in my user cp ? ) So switching modes must add the * somehow ?

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