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About 1$ challange


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Hi. I have tried to look for the 1$ chalange vote but i could not find it. Please some one link it to me. I have registered but dont know where to vote my self in to the league. Thanks Gizdalord P.E. : Hopefully i'll be able to make my fortune again on So. Started with 3$ and now its 35$ LoL

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Re: About 1$ challange its says this "How do I enter? There will be no poll in this thread. From now on, you need to vote yourself in in the daily thread for each leg in order to claim points. This poll will close shortly after the start of each tournament. You may join at any point through the month, though obviously are slightly disadvantaged if you have missed some games (though still have every chance with only best 3 scores counting). If you have not voted yourself in in the Daily poll, then you are not eligible for the prize money." but cant see where to vote. It says there is a thread for every tourney. That is what i cannot locate. Please link it to me:$

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Re: About 1$ challange He didn't seem to want to stick around though :unsure Must be something in Hungarian DNA :loon

Hand #430854150 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed Oct 04 20:03:20 2006 Telepe is at seat 1 with 2000.00 the croc p is at seat 2 with 1980.00 TaxMonkey1 is at seat 3 with 1930.00 LOADS4 is at seat 4 with 2070.00 =BigAndy= is at seat 5 with 1980.00 Gizdalord is at seat 6 with 2000.00 hendrie1 is at seat 7 with 2000.00 jolly67 is at seat 8 with 1980.00 robilaruk is at seat 9 with 2030.00 =BigAndy= posts the large blind 20.00 LOADS4 posts the small blind 10.00 LOADS4: --, -- =BigAndy=: --, -- Gizdalord: --, -- hendrie1: --, -- jolly67: --, -- robilaruk: --, -- Telepe: Kd, Kc the croc p: --, -- TaxMonkey1: --, -- Pre-flop: Gizdalord: Call 20.00 hendrie1: Fold jolly67: Fold robilaruk: Fold Telepe: Call 20.00 the croc p: Fold TaxMonkey1: Fold LOADS4: Call 20.00 =BigAndy=: Check Flop (Board: 4d, 9s, 5s): LOADS4: Check =BigAndy=: Check Gizdalord: Bet 20.00 Telepe: Raise 200.00 LOADS4: Fold =BigAndy=: Fold Gizdalord: Call 200.00 Turn (Board: 4d, 9s, 5s, 3c): Gizdalord: Bet 20.00 Telepe: Raise 500.00 Gizdalord: Call 500.00 River (Board: 4d, 9s, 5s, 3c, 3d): Gizdalord: All in Telepe: All in Showdown: Telepe shows: Kd, Kc (two pair, Kings and Threes) Gizdalord shows: Qs, 7s (a pair of Threes) Mainpot: Telepe wins the pot of 4040 with two pair, Kings and Threes
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