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Betway- just recieved this


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Betway.com launches new Ranking for poker tournaments! Play your hands well and you will win great prizes and not to forget, bragging rights! This is how it works: You are able to earn ranking points when participating in our two weekly Betway.com Ranking tournaments. The top 20% placers will get points. First prize for the October winner is a London Poker Weekend worth over 1000 dollar. Schedule:

Tuesdays 19:00 CET, 5+0.5 dollar Texas NL
Thursdays 21:00 CET, 10+1 dollar Texas NL
Here you can read more about the Betway Tournament Ranking . Good luck and see you at the tables! Best regards, Betway.com Poker sounds simalar to champions league, is betway a core site gaf?
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Guest gazza271

Re: Betway- just recieved this I've just had this email from Betway, may be of interest to Prima network players :ok

spc_eee1.gifYou can win a fortune just by being dealt a hand! We are closing in on having dealt one billion hands in our poker room, and of course we are going to celebrate this event with you! If you are dealt hand number 985. 000. 000, 990. 000. 000, 995. 000. 000 or 1. 000. 000. 000 (one billion) you could win up to $10. 000 in cash! Besides cash we also have a lot of other nice prizes such as buy ins for all the guaranteed tournaments, where you can win up to $100. 000! But we’re not stopping there, all the other players at the table where a winning hand is dealt will also receive great prizes, both cash and tournament fees! Read more about the offer here Take the chance! If you like to play poker, now is your time - it might be exactly you who are dealt the 1 billionth hand! Good luck! Best regards, Betway.com Poker www.betway.com [email protected]
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Re: Betway- just recieved this

sounds simalar to champions league' date=' is betway a core site gaf?[/quote'] Nope afraid not ... Am not looking to find more core sites at the moment, there are another 2 in the pipeline (Both on different networks to current core sites and sites which will add a good pool of focus games :ok) and I feel we have added quite a few recently.....
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