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APAT Birmingham Images Posted


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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted

Looks good Des :ok PS Got the bronze medal from the Canadian open through today - looks great! Big chunk of metal..... Impressive. Much appreciated :clap IMG_1229-709684.jpg
Glad to hear you got it Mike. I'll be looking out for your attempts to make the set ;0) Regards, Des.
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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted

how much they goin for on eBay Des?
They are a bit unique Morl, but only of value to the winners, so I don't think they will reach ebay! Besides, I'm sure we will see a few more pictured on Punters Lounge before the live and online series is finished! Cheers, Des.
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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted

Good luck al playin tonight
Cheers Joe, I'll echo that sentiment :ok Assume we all got through the first hour unscathed? In typical form I started off sat next to Lou :eyes She's just been moved though so my chips are safe from her for the time being :tongue2
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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted

Cheers Joe, I'll echo that sentiment :ok Assume we all got through the first hour unscathed? In typical form I started off sat next to Lou :eyes She's just been moved though so my chips are safe from her for the time being :tongue2
I wonder how I'm still in tbh. QQ vs trip 10's (lost) and KK vs trip 3's saved me with a str8 on the river. :\
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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted well done mike...here's my story PokerStars Game #6632948982: Tournament #33025116, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (100/200) - 2006/10/14 - 16:45:46 (ET) Table '33025116 18' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: sharky_uk (3242 in chips) Seat 2: xSambo (7720 in chips) Seat 3: yorkie_otf (7430 in chips) Seat 4: JEZGOD (8910 in chips) Seat 5: gojev93 (15012 in chips) Seat 7: radcarper (6520 in chips) Seat 8: geeman98 (7345 in chips) Seat 9: MCFC96 (8305 in chips) sharky_uk: posts the ante 25 xSambo: posts the ante 25 yorkie_otf: posts the ante 25 JEZGOD: posts the ante 25 gojev93: posts the ante 25 radcarper: posts the ante 25 geeman98: posts the ante 25 MCFC96: posts the ante 25 yorkie_otf: posts small blind 100 JEZGOD: posts big blind 200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to MCFC96 [Kh Kd] gojev93: folds radcarper: folds geeman98: raises 600 to 800 MCFC96: calls 800 sharky_uk: folds xSambo: calls 800 yorkie_otf: folds JEZGOD: folds *** FLOP *** [3h 4h 3c] geeman98: bets 6520 and is all-in MCFC96: calls 6520 xSambo: folds *** TURN *** [3h 4h 3c] [8d] *** RIVER *** [3h 4h 3c 8d] [7s] *** SHOW DOWN *** geeman98: shows [7h 7c] (a full house, Sevens full of Threes) MCFC96: shows [Kh Kd] (two pair, Kings and Threes) geeman98 collected 15940 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 15940 | Rake 0 Board [3h 4h 3c 8d 7s] Seat 1: sharky_uk folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: xSambo (button) folded on the Flop Seat 3: yorkie_otf (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: JEZGOD (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 5: gojev93 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: radcarper folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: geeman98 showed [7h 7c] and won (15940) with a full house, Sevens full of Threes Seat 9: MCFC96 showed [Kh Kd] and lost with two pair, Kings and Threes

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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted I still think that only top 9 getting points makes it almost (pun alert) pointless to play any of the later qualifiers. Even if it was modified so that points paid was the same as cash payout positions (top 18 tonight) then it would be an improvement. Unfortunately I can't justify to myself paying double my own max buy-in on a 20 to 1 shot of actually making progress in the series. Its a shame and I'm not a bitter loser as I enjoyed myself tonight, but its my last one. Good luck the rest of you with your quest though. :ok Congrats to all who made the cash tonight. :clap

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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted

I still think that only top 9 getting points makes it almost (pun alert) pointless to play any of the later qualifiers
Fair point (final pun, promise). I still think that APAT is a worthwhile endeavour - youre right that the points should go down further (ive moneyed three times but only got points once). I think the live tourney 'winner friendly' payout structure and the other bits n bobs (cups, medals, packages) add some real value though. To each their own - for me personally it's worth doing I reckon :ok
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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted

Fair point (final pun, promise). I still think that APAT is a worthwhile endeavour - youre right that the points should go down further (ive moneyed three times but only got points once). I think the live tourney 'winner friendly' payout structure and the other bits n bobs (cups, medals, packages) add some real value though. To each their own - for me personally it's worth doing I reckon :ok
I haven't yet played in any of the online series and may now stick to that but I thoroughly enjoyed the live tournament in Birmingham and would recommend the next one in Scotland to anyone. Mike, I had a look at your blog/website and unlike the online games which take place in cyberspace, outside their nominal countries, the Scottish Championship segment of the Live Tour will be played somewhere in Scotland. :ok
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Re: APAT Birmingham Images Posted The scottish leg is due to being moved back from the 18th Nov to next year due to lack of diabled facillities at the venue, I think there on about bringing the UK championship one forward - so probably Birmingham again although a larger venue than the broadway, I would hazard a guess at Star City

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