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aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces

lou saban

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just been playing in a $6.60 mtt on virgin , i would put the hand history up but i dont know how to on virgin so i'll try and explain hand. 3rd hand of the tourney I get AA , im 2nd to act and big blind is 20 , i raise to 160 (7x big blind) , i get 2 callers , flop is 6 10 3 , no flush on , the pot is 510 , 1st guy checks , i bet 600 , next guy calls , 1st guy folds. turn is 8, that puts 2 hearts on the board, i go all in , i get called , the guy shows 10j diamonds , river is a 10 , im out. now im not bothered about the bad beat , bad play or whatever but the comment the winner came out with next that made me chuckle (through gritted teeth) mrjr111 - you cant slow play aces me - how is putting in 7x big blind raise slow playing mrjr11 - (no answer) me - excuse me , how was that slow playing , please tell me so i know for next time mrjr111 - all in pre flop me - hmmmm ok , moron (i do feel a little embarrased by that comment , completely out of character, must be suffering from pmt at the mo) :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall please tell me this guy isnt a fellow pl'er.

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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces I think it was more the actual amount of chips in comparison to starting stack. If he had 1500 the 160 may have looked like an acceptable risk. After he hit top pair (and not even thought about an overpair) there was no way he was folding by the looks of it. Maybe's he's the type that goes allin with every pair. Very unlucky imo

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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces That will teach you to slow play aces!! I was just dealt AA in the Dream freeroll, was down to 500 chips so raised to 120 to try and build up the pot, had 3 callers, flop came 3 3 x so went all in, beaten by some guy with J 3. That will teach me to slow play aces :lol :lol

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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces Unlucky, but try keeping a log of your win ratio with pocket aces. Might give you a better idea of how this stands up. I have just had a stt and first hand played pocket aces aggresively all in and managed to get three callers. Two were fish and one had pocket kings. Of course the river was a king. :spank

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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces It's not the fact of getting beaten when you have pocket Aces, it's the justification from the moron who calls you to the river with his naff hand!! I guess we have all seen this many times, and although we ought to know better.....:wall ...it infuriates!!

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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces don't see much wrong with how you played it, you got the money in when you were ahead, and were a 15/1 fav at the river. The other guy is a fool. One slight criticism is that you should have pushed on the flop, the 6 & 10 are outside parts of a straight draw, by giving them another card, in this case an 8, you could either make or move someone much closer to a straight, although you'd have thought the 2 massive rasies would have put them off. The guy had top pair, with a decent kicker, some folks can't fold that, always a a chance of a set.

flop is 6 10 3 , no flush on , the pot is 510 , 1st guy checks , i bet 600 , next guy calls , 1st guy folds. turn is 8,
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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces I was a lucky sod at the Grosvenor last night - A short stacked player goes all in, I call with Pocket 5's.... He turns over pocket aces.... Flop is 2,3,4..... A Blank on the turn... River is an Ace.... So, my 5 high straight beats his trip aces... I then went on to have Pocket Aces twice in three hands, and was fortunate enough to win with them, and then pocket kings two hands later... I agree with Ed, Lou, in that the guy that hit trip 10's to beat you, was a suck out artist who will more than likely call with any two suited cards, or even un-suited connectors, and hope to get lucky and win a big pot, which from time to time, they do.... Happyhornet has a very valid and honest point too....

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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces I assume you have made a note of the muppet and you are actively seeking them out whne you log on to play? you did no wrong at all - well played Damo

just been playing in a $6.60 mtt on virgin , i would put the hand history up but i dont know how to on virgin so i'll try and explain hand. 3rd hand of the tourney I get AA , im 2nd to act and big blind is 20 , i raise to 160 (7x big blind) , i get 2 callers , flop is 6 10 3 , no flush on , the pot is 510 , 1st guy checks , i bet 600 , next guy calls , 1st guy folds. turn is 8, that puts 2 hearts on the board, i go all in , i get called , the guy shows 10j diamonds , river is a 10 , im out. now im not bothered about the bad beat , bad play or whatever but the comment the winner came out with next that made me chuckle (through gritted teeth) mrjr111 - you cant slow play aces me - how is putting in 7x big blind raise slow playing mrjr11 - (no answer) me - excuse me , how was that slow playing , please tell me so i know for next time mrjr111 - all in pre flop me - hmmmm ok , moron (i do feel a little embarrased by that comment , completely out of character, must be suffering from pmt at the mo) :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall please tell me this guy isnt a fellow pl'er.
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Re: aaaaarrrrgggg pocket aces I seen one of the most extroardinary things last night when playing in the Sunday Million. A guy at my table was the chip leader, he picked up pocket aces 3 times in 1 single level and got an all in bet around the table all 3 times. He got beat every single time and eventually went out. He got them all within 15mins which is strange in my opinion. Felt sorry for him though as he played so well.

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