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My winning streak continues...


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Re: My winning streak continues... Had a bit of mixed bag of results on Saturday.... Dissapointed with my 30th out 0f 35 runners in the 2.30 PM "Saturday Shootout" at the Grosvenor, I decided to enter the £50 tourney at Stanleys at 8.30 PM.... I decided to go to Stanleys as I will be in Prague for week from October 11th to 18th, so will miss out on my three regular weekly tourneys... I had thought that the 8.30 tourney at Stanleys was a £50 comp. with one rebuy or top up, BUT it was unlimited re-buys for 60 mins :unsure From a starting stack of 7,000 chips, I hit 21,100, and then took a top up, to give me a total stack of 28,100 chips... All good then...:ok After the break, I lost a succession of hands, until, with the blinds at 3,000 and 6,000, and me in the big blind in the next hand, I decided that Queen 8 off suit was good enough for an all in push with 9,000 chips...I thought I was going home 4th and bubble boy out of the 11 runners, with the top three taking home the prize money... Two Queens on the flop put me right back in it......:clap I then worked away tightly, accruing chips.... With a stack of 74,000 chips heads up, I flat called with 8 6 of clubs from the small blind (blinds were now 5,000 and 10,000).... A Flop of 8 8 3 saw me call my opponents all in push to win the first prize of £620 !!!! :nana:loon:drums:nana:loon:drums

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