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Beggars belief!!!!!!!


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:wall Don't you HATE it when muppets play completely CRAP hands and turn the game into a lottery? :@ I don't! :nana:cow:nana:cow

0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 29381671) - Fri Sep 29 09:30:43 EDT 2006 Table Monster Qualifier 1290711 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 1: mojo278 (1960) Seat 2: Flocoon (1780) Seat 3: IdiotFarm (2000) Seat 4: slapdash222 (2000) Seat 5: darolavo (1385) Seat 6: DeathTongue (1420) Seat 7: Brett_H111 (2395) Seat 8: dahbomb111 (1740) Seat 9: FFFFh (2020) Seat 10: cjnikita (3300) FFFFh posts small blind (20) cjnikita posts big blind (40) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to slapdash222 [ Ad, Ah ] mojo278 folds. Flocoon calls (40) IdiotFarm folds. slapdash222 raises (150) to 150 darolavo calls (150) DeathTongue calls (150) Brett_H111 calls (150) dahbomb111 folds. FFFFh raises (780) to 800 cjnikita folds. Flocoon folds. slapdash222 raises (1300) to 1450 darolavo calls (1235) darolavo is all-In. DeathTongue calls (1270) DeathTongue is all-In. Brett_H111 folds. FFFFh calls (650) Creating Main Pot with $5770 with darolavo Creating Side Pot 1 with $105 with DeathTongue ** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, Ks, 4d ] FFFFh bets (570) FFFFh is all-In. slapdash222 calls (550) slapdash222 is all-In. ** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ] ** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ] Creating Side Pot 2 with $1160 with slapdash222 Creating Side Pot 3 with $20 with FFFFh ** Summary ** Main Pot: 5770 | Side Pot 1: 105 | Side Pot 2: 1160 | Side Pot 3: 20 Board: [ 6d Ks 4d 6h 9h ] mojo278 balance 1960, didn't bet (folded) Flocoon balance 1740, lost 40 (folded) IdiotFarm balance 2000, didn't bet (folded) slapdash222 balance 7035, bet 2000, collected 7035, net +5035 [ Ad Ah ] [ two pairs, aces and sixes -- Ad,Ah,Ks,6d,6h ] darolavo balance 0, lost 1385 [ Qd 9c ] [ two pairs, nines and sixes -- Ks,9c,9h,6d,6h ] DeathTongue balance 0, lost 1420 [ 9d Jd ] [ two pairs, nines and sixes -- Ks,9d,9h,6d,6h ] Brett_H111 balance 2245, lost 150 (folded) dahbomb111 balance 1740, didn't bet (folded) FFFFh balance 20, bet 2020, collected 20, lost -2000 [ As Tc ] [ a pair of sixes -- As,Ks,Tc,6d,6h ] cjnikita balance 3260, lost 40 (folded)
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