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pl HORSE tourney AT 8PM password on page 1


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If like myself , you wanna give HORSE a try, but are put off because of your lack of skill in certain games, then this is for you! The tournament is as follows! Friday 6th Oct with an 8pm Start time, the buy in will be $5+50c and if anyones interested , could they please put there name down in this thread, obviously its password protected and the only way you will get the password is if i give it to you, lets hope it stops gatecrashers! :ok PASSWORD IS tryhorse and the tourney number is 7169010 Find it in tournaments, private, and its called pl's horse

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Re: punterslounge private HORSE tourney i play horse tourneys most nights on ft or stars so i'm not a beginner but i'd be happy to play if noone minded and try to help anyone who wanted to get a better grasp at some of the games, show hands played etc and explain how and why i played them the way i did i did something like it before using a messenger conference and it worked ok so if anyones interested let me know......

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