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APAT Postal Membership possible ?


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Re: APAT Postal Membership possible ?

Des, Is it possible to join APAT via post ? A friend of mine would like to join, but doesnt own a PC, nor does he have access to one..... Cheers, Jeff
How is he going to be able to confirm his place if he was picked? I think it would hold up the registration process if it isn't done via the net. But that's my thoughts and not that of APAT!
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Re: APAT Postal Membership possible ?

Des, Is it possible to join APAT via post ? A friend of mine would like to join, but doesnt own a PC, nor does he have access to one..... Cheers, Jeff
Hi Jeff, We do not have a paper based process to manage non electronic memberships. With mobile phones, internet cafe's and many librarys now offering very cost effective online access, your friend may want to reassess his / her electronic options. However, we are not in the business of denying any players access to the APAT, so please let me know if your friend would still like postal access upon further review. Regards, Des.
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Re: APAT Postal Membership possible ? Sure, that would be fine..... Unfortunately, John "doesnt get on with Computers"......His words, not mine... I have offered to show him how they work, etc, but he doesnt show any interest in them at all... He drives for a living, and not ever having worked in an office environment, he is not used to computers, but as I said, he has no interest in them, either... Shame really, because it means he misses out on online poker and tons of other stuff too...

Can't he use yours then?
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