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what a FANTASTIC article (have we a smiley for sarcasm?) :eyes :eyes :eyes (this will do) http://www.pokerineurope.com/pokerarticles/detail.php?articleid=912&PHPSESSID=3fe2d79bc26c456c2d0e13029d9f7bf0 normally pokerineurope have really sound articles - but this is just rehashed bollocks and is so fecking patronising and poorly written to be cringing this is the worst bit (tho the 2 pair piece is also pure garbage) - pure genius at work and something I never knew.... ******************************************* A Full House If you have a full house you can expect to win the hand and can slow play. However keep in mind that a full house is not unbeatable. If you have 9 7 and the board comes 9 9 7, anyone with an over pair will beat you if the turn or river matches them. Anyone with a better 9 than you will also win if their kicker is matched. ********************************************* how the feck do this folks get paid for writing the bollox? (well actually knicking it someone else) I didn't realise they were writing for 10 year olds as I thought they were not allowed to have betting accounts by law? (has it changed recently???:eek ) utter tosh and a dis-service to the wider poker community Damo ps its like saying if you raise with 22 and get one caller, please be aware that at least one of their cards might well be higher than a two

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Re: Online articles ahhh bless her, Traci Nissan is at it again with another load of nonsense (does she own the site? - I can' t beleive that they keep posting this crap) http://www.pokerineurope.com/pokerarticles/detail.php?articleid=924 i.e. "Deuces are called ducks, perhaps because the curve in the two resembles the neck of a water fowl" really? I thought it was because people duck out of the way when the pot is raised and reraised before it gets to them........... Damo

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