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Push or Fold, part whatever...


Push or Fold, part whatever...  

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2 table live tournement, $20 buy in, 3 places paid. It's early on, perhaps 30 mins in. Average stack is about 1,500 chips. I have a slight chip lead on the other guy, 2 - 300 ahead perhaps. Blinds 50/100 nine players at the table. Me. Ad Ah Other Guy ?? His big blind, I flat call it for 100 chips looking for action. 6 callers in total. Flop K 8 2 rainbow He pushes all in, I'm 2nd last to act, and figure the last guy will fold from his boby actions (he does btw) I have a bit of respect for the guy making the call, played with him a few times, I know him to be a good tight player. Is he trying to steal the 600 chips in the middle, or does he really want callers. What do we put him on ?? Push or Fold ??

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... I have no idea where I stand in this hand so it is a difficult decision. FWIW I would not have limped with AA. The only times I do this are in EP at an agressive table when I can anticipate a RR. You have little information on what others are holding and AA does not perform well in multi-way flops. The villain could have a set of 8s. 2s or 2 pair or indeed nothing (I think this is unlikely). You should have an idea of his range of hands from playing with him before. Would he limp with AK and would he then indeed push? Does he limp with pocket pairs or the likes of K8o, KJ etc (neither of which would suggest a good tight player). I think a set is the most likely holding although I could be completely wrong. Quack, Quack, Quack. If he thinks there are muppets at the table then he may push with a strong hand looking for callers, I just don't put him on a steal if he is a good tight player as you suggest. I probably fold (although it is a tough decision) as I think better spots will come for me to get my chips in. I don't want to put my tournament life on the line here. If I had thinned the field through a raise a would be more inclined to call. Look forward to seeing the outcome.

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... how many chips do you have? how many players left? is this a rebuy? your position - you limped from EP? Damo

2 table live tournement, $20 buy in, 3 places paid. It's early on, perhaps 30 mins in. Average stack is about 1,500 chips. I have a slight chip lead on the other guy, 2 - 300 ahead perhaps. Blinds 50/100 nine players at the table. Me. Ad Ah Other Guy ?? His big blind, I flat call it for 100 chips looking for action. 6 callers in total. Flop K 8 2 rainbow He pushes all in, I'm 2nd last to act, and figure the last guy will fold from his boby actions (he does btw) I have a bit of respect for the guy making the call, played with him a few times, I know him to be a good tight player. Is he trying to steal the 600 chips in the middle, or does he really want callers. What do we put him on ?? Push or Fold ??
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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... ta well don't limp rockets from EP :) what do you place the villian on? would he shove trips here? would you shove trips against 6 limpers? would he shove 2 pair? 2 pair is more likely, I think most folks would value bet trips - of course he might check/call his AK in the BB against so many limpers at no further cost with the intention to see a cheap flop and then make his move if he hits - now that would be a reasonable play. tricky really I just think you played this poorly and now have no clue where you are if you feel comfortable on the table and believe you can beat the rest of them then fold if you feel uncomfortable and believe you are a weaker player than the others then call you said you wanted action and now you have it! so you got the result you wanted and now you are asking how to play? LOL I am sure you made the right choice Damo EDIT ps am I right in reading your post - the blinds are 100 and you barely have 20 BB after only 30 mins and are a chip leader? - wow that is a tough tourney - if so I am calling here, coz am assuming the blinds are going up soon? and essentially this is a push or fold tourny if what you are saying is correct - you MUST call now quote=Foolsgold]Just under 2000 Perhaps 1 player out, 18 in total 9 at the table No. Pretty much, 2nd or 3rd

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... I do not understand how you can be in EP with 6 callers and then be 2nd last to act? Why would he go all in on a flop of K 8 2 rainbow after checking on the BB? If he hit trips then he would probably slow play them as there is no flush or straight possible, my guess is that he has either 2 pair or a King, I would probably fold at this stage in the tournament as 2 pair seems most likely.

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... Limping with aces here was a huge mistake. It can be the right play with high blinds, especially with people behind you you're confident will raise, but in this position in this game it's a definite mistake. So I'd call here. Not because I'm totally confident I have the best hand, but because statistically I certainly do, and his push here isn't consistent with ANYTHING. It doesn't make sense for top pair, it doesn't make sense for a draw, and there's none on anyway, it doesn't make sense for trips. If he had a monster he wouldn't want to push you out, if he had an unmade hand the pot isn't worth semi-bluffing at, if he has a half decent hand the bet's only gonna be called with a better one. It's basically a bad play whatever he has and impossible to make sense of, so unless you know something about this player, or he knows something about you, I'd just treat him as playing somewhat random cards and go with the numbers. The only hand I'm slightly worried about here is bottom 2 since it's his BB, and its the only hand that's halfway sensible from the betting - but even if he has it you're not far behind.

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... as stated limping with aces isnt the best play in nl, but its done so you now gotta decide if the other guy is gonna limp with kings, 8's or 2's, then push all in on a rainbow flop? chances are if he's the worst player in the world he will but i dont think thats the case, k8, k2,or 82 are all feasible from an unraised bb and again k8 isnt a push move on that flop so my range of hands that can beat me has been limited down to 2, if on the offchance he has one of them so be it but i'm pushing em in and never slowplaying aces again!!!

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... Agreed, I played this poorly, although it turned out well. I put him in Kx and called. Turned out to be a mistake, he turned over 8 2, to give himself two pair. Don't remember the turn, but another King came out on the river, giving me two pair AA KK and a double up. I'm not sure how to play this one, if I'd raised 4x BB I'm sure that table would have folded to me.

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever...

I'm not sure how to play this one' date=' if I'd raised 4x BB I'm sure that table would have folded to me.[/quote'] Why do you think that? There must be a basket of hands you are beating that you would expect action from for a 4xBB raise? QQ? JJ? AKs? etc.... If you're that confident that everyone would fold to you, then it sounds like a perfect table to be stealing on......
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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... I think people view me as a very tight player. I find I get very little action on my raises most of the time. Perhaps the answer to all this, is to loosen up a little and even raise once or twice preflop :>

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Re: Push or Fold, part whatever... I'm answering blind, assuming you've already posted the answer. I think he had 82 and hit bottom 2 pair. He tried to take the pot there and then. My answer was based on exactly the same thing happening to me in my 2nd live game (only with 59os). I checked the BB and was so shocked to have hit so heavily with a BB special that I pushed all in, and had no callers.

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