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Advice needed


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Hi there .I'm sure many of us have played rounders . Right , i had a go with it on monday using 5.50 and have been playing one level each day . Monday , won level 1 and progress to lvl 2 Tuesday , progress to level 3 . Thurs , progress to lvl 4 . Today , just qualified for round 5 . The payout prizes are like this . 1st : $3000 2nd: $1200 3rd: $800 4th : $500 This is my first dabble after a long time without playing this and suddenly after using $5.50 only , i have a shot at this . Any good advice which can be given to me so that i can make the money ? Obviously , 1st would be nice and i'm going to aim for that but first and foremost i think getting in the money is one hell of an achievement already . Constructive advices please . :ok I'll wait for all advices for one day before i decide what to do .

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Re: Advice needed Can you go back and use your tokens to play the lower rounds again. My advice would be to build up your tokens bank before going for the prize money. If you lose now you lose it all where if you go back a few levels you can build up some nice tokens.

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Re: Advice needed staffy i did think of that before but i'm quite worried i may lose it . In round 3 , i nearly went out after i went all in with only Q high with the blinds growing . Fortunately , i hit a flush and stayed up while the guy with 40 chips left managed to came right back after the break and became chip leader ( Talk about luck !) . Right now , if i'm going back to play at the lower levels , i may just fcuk it up i feel .

Can you go back and use your tokens to play the lower rounds again. My advice would be to build up your tokens bank before going for the prize money. If you lose now you lose it all where if you go back a few levels you can build up some nice tokens.
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Re: Advice needed In that case then you have to play your game in the final level. What you will find though is the standard of play will be very good. You find some people will buy into the final level knowing that some low stakes players win through but are not that good. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Re: Advice needed This is like venturing into unknown territory :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol First high buy in game . $550 . :sad:sad:sad:sad

In that case then you have to play your game in the final level. What you will find though is the standard of play will be very good. You find some people will buy into the final level knowing that some low stakes players win through but are not that good. Good luck with whatever you decide.
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Re: Advice needed Just play your usual game (hopefully tight early and loosen up when the blinds get big) DO NO FOCUS ON/WORRY ABOUT THE CASH if you do you will play shite and end up out with nowt play your game play your game play your game!!!!!!!!!!! good luck Damo

Hi there .I'm sure many of us have played rounders . Right , i had a go with it on monday using 5.50 and have been playing one level each day . Monday , won level 1 and progress to lvl 2 Tuesday , progress to level 3 . Thurs , progress to lvl 4 . Today , just qualified for round 5 . The payout prizes are like this . 1st : $3000 2nd: $1200 3rd: $800 4th : $500 This is my first dabble after a long time without playing this and suddenly after using $5.50 only , i have a shot at this . Any good advice which can be given to me so that i can make the money ? Obviously , 1st would be nice and i'm going to aim for that but first and foremost i think getting in the money is one hell of an achievement already . Constructive advices please . :ok I'll wait for all advices for one day before i decide what to do .
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Re: Advice needed EXACTLY its a bonus - so no pressure on you you are playing for 5.50 thats all just think about it, it's only $5.50 forget the 500 buy in (is it 500 or a 1000?) or whatever, its just 5.50, so if you can play 5.50 why not for more??? Just play your usual game and be pleased to have a shot at a big prize for next to nowt - essentially this game is a freeroll for you :) Damo

This is like venturing into unknown territory :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol First high buy in game . $550 . :sad:sad:sad:sad
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Re: Advice needed Bubbled in one of these a few months ago. Really tight play from the start from everyone (myself included). Seems as if everyone wanted to limp into the money. Given that, a bit of early aggression may be worthwhile here if only to try and find out who has come up through the rounds and who has paid the buy-in as most who have "qualified" will be playing very few hands. Be prepared for a long game, it was coming up for the 3rd break when I bubbled. Congrats and Good luck :ok

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Re: Advice needed I'd say play a bit looser early on, and try to push everyone around. Most will have got in on the cheap and will be playing with scared money as eltrev suggested. Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge your way to a pile of chips, but be very wary of players that play back at you - the chances of a rebluff/steal early on is slim IMO. And yeah, don't think about the money. Think about finishing first and beating them, the money is a bonus. Good luck!

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