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What a beauty


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Think I actually pressed call by mistake Hand #420286937 at table: Midland Masters FR Started: Wed Sep 20 19:51:29 2006 tubsy is at seat 1 with 1490.00 kbiker111 is at seat 2 with 1490.00 neodevan1 is at seat 3 with 230.00 sheila22 is at seat 4 with 1470.00 aprika1 is at seat 5 with 1470.00 *Kriszti* is at seat 6 with 2940.00 fukthehuns is at seat 7 with 1350.00 mike saban is at seat 8 with 1460.00 esso1 is at seat 9 with 1500.00 porkpie is at seat 10 with 1570.00 mike saban posts the large blind 20.00 fukthehuns posts the small blind 10.00 fukthehuns: --, -- mike saban: 3d, 3h esso1: --, -- porkpie: --, -- tubsy: --, -- kbiker111: --, -- neodevan1: --, -- sheila22: --, -- aprika1: --, -- *Kriszti*: --, -- Pre-flop: esso1: Call 20.00 porkpie: Fold tubsy: Call 20.00 kbiker111: Fold neodevan1: All in sheila22: Fold aprika1: Fold *Kriszti*: Fold fukthehuns: Fold mike saban: Call 230.00 esso1: Call 230.00 tubsy: Call 230.00 Flop (Board: Kd, 10d, 3s): mike saban: Check esso1: Bet 180.00 tubsy: Call 180.00 mike saban: Raise 700.00 esso1: Raise 1220.00 tubsy: Call 1220.00 mike saban: All in esso1: Call 1250.00 tubsy: Call 1250.00 Turn (Board: Kd, 10d, 3s, Ah): esso1: All in tubsy: All in Showdown: tubsy shows: Jd, Qs (ace high straight) neodevan1 shows: 7s, 7h (a pair of Sevens) mike saban shows: 3d, 3h (three of a kind, Threes) esso1 shows: Qc, Jh (ace high straight) River (Board: Kd, 10d, 3s, Ah, 3c): Sidepot 3: Splitpot of 10 ace high straight mike saban shows: 3d, 3h (four of a kind, Threes) Sidepot 2: mike saban wins the pot of 3750 with four of a kind, Threes Mainpot: mike saban wins the pot of 930 with four of a kind, Threes (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: What a beauty Hand #420309032 at table: Midland Masters FR Started: Wed Sep 20 20:15:27 2006 RichardUK is at seat 1 with 2740.00 Llanddyfna is at seat 2 with 1370.00 besi82 is at seat 3 with 1350.00 Ben Gurion is at seat 4 with 1350.00 Jackal125 is at seat 5 with 1375.00 donjon8 is at seat 6 with 2960.00 RRANDREW is at seat 7 with 1175.00 caffo is at seat 8 with 650.00 morlspin1 is at seat 9 with 2175.00 [HUN]Botix is at seat 10 with 1175.00 Jackal125 posts the large blind 50.00 Ben Gurion posts the small blind 25.00 Ben Gurion: --, -- Jackal125: --, -- donjon8: --, -- RRANDREW: --, -- caffo: --, -- morlspin1: Ac, Ks [HUN]Botix: --, -- RichardUK: --, -- Llanddyfna: --, -- besi82: --, -- Pre-flop: donjon8: Call 50.00 RRANDREW: Fold caffo: Fold morlspin1: Raise 250.00 [HUN]Botix: Fold RichardUK: Call 250.00 Llanddyfna: Fold besi82: Fold Ben Gurion: Fold Jackal125: Fold donjon8: Fold Flop (Board: Qs, Ad, 9h): morlspin1: Check RichardUK: Bet 250.00 morlspin1: Raise 650.00 RichardUK: Call 650.00 Turn (Board: Qs, Ad, 9h, As): morlspin1: Bet 550.00 RichardUK: Raise 1300.00 morlspin1: All in Showdown: RichardUK shows: 9d, 9c (full house) morlspin1 shows: Ac, Ks (three of a kind, Aces) River (Board: Qs, Ad, 9h, As, Js): Mainpot: RichardUK wins the pot of 4475 with full house (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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