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Poker Bankroll Management


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Looking for some tips / suggestion on Poker bankroll management On a stinking run just now, played eight 6 player stts last night and crashed out in 4th or worse in the first seven, and only scrapped 2nd in the final one due to some crazy play by others. Been on a crappy run for a few days now, I don't think I'm playing badly, just not getting the cards. On the rare occassion I got cards yesterday, I got outdrawn, my KK all in preflop got beaten by 99. Looking back at my records I should have stoped playing much eariler when it was clearly not going for me. When I used to play blackjack, if I lost 10 units I'd get up and leave the casino, and treat myself to something fun like a nice meal or a trip to the lap dancing. I'm pretty sure both of these were cheaper than staying in the casino on a cold run. But it's harder to get up and leave the casino when it's at home, and you're playing online poker. I know the numbers of games I'm talking about are short term varraince, and last week I was hitting everything and it'll come right over the long term. I'm thinking about setting myself a rule of 3 or 4 buy-ins as a daily stop loss. Does anyone else do something like this and how does it work out ??

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Re: Poker Bankroll Management I had a bad run in July/August two losing months on back of two winning ones previously. So I've stopped playing at $5 and reverted back to the $1 tables, and Freerolls to get my confidence back. Its working for me as i'm back in profit this month . I've also been playing some $1 STT Limit variant games (Omaha HiLo,Horse,Razz) - this has improved my patience at the table, as I believe a lot of success at Limit poker is knowing when to fold, and post flop play. This has transferred very well into my No Limit Freeroll tournaments making me appreciate the true value of my hand and not simply going all-in trying to bully pots, only to come up against a better hand and crash out. You may well be playing larger limits than me, but everything is relative Good Luck in however you tackle it :ok

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Re: Poker Bankroll Management that is a good start fools - you know you should switch off the PC - well done, most folks don't they go on tilt chasing losses and end up losing more rules? - rules are great! so make them and STICK TO THEM - whatever works for you, and 4 buy-ins isn't bad as LONG AS YOU ARE PREPARED TO SWITCH THE COMP OFF WHEN YOU LOSE ALL 4 IN 15 MINS! its about discipline, and yes, maybe step down a level just to play through your bad run and get you confidence back - I have done so and it really works Damo

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Re: Poker Bankroll Management I think the time to stop is as soon as you feel yourself tilting, steaming, getting frustrated or otherwise not playing your best game, whether that's after 1 buy in loss or 50 buy in losses. For me, that point tends to come quite fast.. usually after a couple of bad beats, or (more recently) players that play oddly. Like check calling a flopped Q high flush down to the river. Not even a raise on the river - he was scared I'd flopped a K/A high flush? Bah.. anyway.

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Re: Poker Bankroll Management I've been on runs like that. I find it's worse when I'm on quick turnaround games - 6 player STTs, headsup etc. You get the old Gambler's logic - just lost 30 bucks, gotta win another 2 to get even, quickly make up losses etc.. :sad Personally nothing settles me more than a decent size tourney - for me it forces more measured, strategic play. Doesnt have to be a massive buyin - as the others have said, a freeroll or cheap one will be fine.:ok Mike

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