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Betfair Grand Prix


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Re: Betfair Grand Prix

:clap congrats mate $20 + 13 points, is that enough to get you into the final ? Good Luck Mick, down to last 3
No - Not enough puts me on 57, I missed playing the second one because it was less players in early days, and had filled up before i got home from work. :sad The extra 5 points may have made all the difference - who knows ?? .. Still theres always next year !!:D
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Re: Betfair Grand Prix Was going out at half past 8 so I tried a new approach that would have made Ghengis Chan look like a mamber of the salvation army. left the house in 3rd place with about 10k in chips and just got in to find I finished in 42nd place for a wopping $3.00 There appears to be a lot more to this poker lark than meets the eye. Hope no one on here was amongst my victims but beware any one who thinks I'm the most passive player in CL- prepare to meet the new me.

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Re: Betfair Grand Prix

OUCH :wall ------HAND 5------ Game #3417829484: Hold'em NL (100/200) - 2006/09/18 - 20:28:59 (GMT) Table "PP Grand Prix 3262820 - 15" Seat 8 is the button. Seat 1: theworzel (1340 in chips) Seat 2: Mickey333 (6495 in chips) Seat 3: GazzaGJF (1910 in chips) Seat 4: new1 (5170 in chips) Seat 5: AJDUK (5820 in chips) Seat 6: Almungus (2095 in chips) Seat 7: mrcarps (2665 in chips) Seat 8: surrender (2100 in chips) Seat 9: Coach73 (2205 in chips) Seat 10: derbyred (3830 in chips) Coach73: posts small blind 100 derbyred: posts big blind 200 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to derbyred [8s Js] theworzel: folds Mickey333: folds GazzaGJF: folds new1: folds AJDUK: folds Almungus: folds mrcarps: calls 200 surrender: calls 200 Coach73: calls 100 derbyred: checks ----- FLOP ----- [Th Jd 8c] Coach73: bets 2005 and is all-in derbyred: raises to 3630 and is all-in mrcarps: folds surrender: folds Returned uncalled bets 1,625 to derbyred ----- TURN ----- [Th Jd 8c][9s] ----- RIVER ----- [Th Jd 8c 9s][Ts] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- derbyred: shows [8s Js] (Two Pairs, Jacks and Tens, Nine high) Coach73: shows [Tc Kc] (Three of a kind, Tens, King high) Coach73 collects 4810 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 4810 Main pot 4810 Rake 0 Board [Th Jd 8c 9s Ts] Seat 2: Mickey333 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: GazzaGJF folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: new1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: AJDUK folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Almungus folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: mrcarps folded on the Flop Seat 8: surrender (button) folded on the Flop Seat 9: Coach73 (small blind) showed [Tc Kc] and won (4810) with Three of a kind, Tens, King high Seat 10: derbyred (big blind) showed [8s Js] and lost
That was my play/hand Mike! How did you get all the details for this hand? Finally went out in 72nd. Play on Moneyivey on most sites except this. See you Saturday. Moneyivey
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Re: Betfair Grand Prix Hi There is a hand history button at the bottom of the screen and you can select how many hands to retrieve. I dont know if you recall, but it took me a while to call this, I was thinking what could you have, to make you go all in when first to act, when I discounted Q9 for the straight and trips ( mainly due to that bet wehn first to act) I went for it, and was chuffed to see I was in front.However by the turn, I'm shouting at the monitor - no K or Q, comletely forgeting about the 10, and up it pops.I think I probably would have won the entire tourney if that hadnt happened :lol Hopefully see you saturday :beer

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Re: Betfair Grand Prix daftpegasus, many thanks for your insightful and charming critique of my play sir. You neglect to mention what the blinds were and how many chips I had. And if you check this hand on an odds calculator you will discover it was a 50-50 shot. Will I have the pleasure of discussing this matter further with you at the Live Final?

In all the times I've played this MTT I've never had a bounty at my table until tonight. I was sat immediately on his left. He played 2 hands firstly raising on the SB when I had AJ - he folded to my reraise. Secondly he raised 3xBB into my 88 - I had to call but raised all in as I didn't want too many in the pot. Everyone folded except Darklord5 and he showed j10d!!! Muppet deserved to lose.:lol:lol:lol
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Re: Betfair Grand Prix

daftpegasus, many thanks for your insightful and charming critique of my play sir. You neglect to mention what the blinds were and how many chips I had. And if you check this hand on an odds calculator you will discover it was a 50-50 shot. Will I have the pleasure of discussing this matter further with you at the Live Final?
Hi Darklord I would love to come to the final but unfortuantely I did not play enough tournaments to gain the points, nor did I play well enough in them to deserve to be there. In fact being on the same table as you (i.e. a bounty) was the worst thing that could possibly have happened to me as all I did was concentrate on the hands you played (although you did walked into the only 2 half decent hands I had whilst on the table). I neglected to study the rest of the table and the rest of the players (I really must learn to turn the chat off) and this ultimately cost me a better placed finish yesterday. You're correct that the blinds were reasonably high compared to the chip stacks but, playing as a bounty and knowing full well that the entire table wants to take you out, I expected to see a better hand than that when the cards were turned over? Apologies if I've offended you, the "muppet" comment was made more tongue in cheek than anything. I should have put one of these after it :tongue2 There was a little talk a while back about a Punters Lounge v Poker Player game at some point - if that happens maybe we'll get to chat about it over a beer :beer- I'll pay :ok. Finally, :welcometo Punters Lounge.
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Re: Betfair Grand Prix again, thank you for your comments. i must admit I was suprised to be likened to one of Jim Henson's finest after you had been so polite in the chat box last night. let's face it, all in with snowmen isn't exactly world class play is it? You told me you wanted the bounty, and so i knew you would take risks. JTd against someone that wants to take risks is a decent hand. I thought I had you beat so took the shot, and I'm not embarassed to chase a 50-50 pre-flop with the small stack and crippling blinds and antes.

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Re: Betfair Grand Prix If Doyle Brunson can make a name for playing (and winning) with 10,2 off suit then.... If we were only a pound behind Doyle Brunson.... I think you had no choice but to call as you were pot commited - to be honest I was more surprised that no one else called in the hope of taking down the bounty. I expected 2 or 3 others at least. I think I was just over excited last night - I did 3 laps of the house, waking up the kids as I passed (never a good plan) just for taking the bounty out. You don't want to see me if I win one of these tournaments. :loon:loon Anyway I hope you're enjoying your day in the office as the top PP from last nights game.

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Re: Betfair Grand Prix haha only kidding - you deserved the bounty. is was a ballsy bet that got you paid off. you had talked me into calling an all-in about 4 hands previously - and I just thought it was time for a stand. good to meet you, and thanks for your welcome. i'll have chat with other PLers at the Live Final to try and set-up a Punters Lounge v PokerPlayer (grudge) match, and look forward to that beer!

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