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Another cash finish for me....


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Re: Another cash finish for me.... N1 Pretty soon you will be doing your own book and making appearences on T.V....only joking....slow down give us mere mortals a chance....or let me in on the secret... Congratulations mate....very,very,very nice:clap I just hope not at same table as you at Birmingham.....

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Re: Another cash finish for me.... Ginner, The "secret", certainly in the past 7 days, has been patience, and a little bit of bottle on occassions... Re Bottle, I will explain....Take yesterday for example, I get dealt pocket 5's...Flop comes 2 6 6 , so I have two pair.... Guy immediately to my left goes all in, after the rest of us have checked round to him...Everyone folds round to me...I call... Guy smiles , and goes "I have an Ace", and flips his cards to show Ace Queen off suit... I said "Oh nice, but I think my pocket pair of 5's is winning against your big Ace...." The guy was gob smacked LOL I wouldnt advise total bluffs, but certainly, I have found this week that if you have a reasonable hand with improvement opportunities, you have to go for it, because there is a whole lot of bluffing going on.... And, as has been said countless times before, if you develop the table image of a rock, you can make the very occasional bluff, especially when short stacked, as people will generally respect your raises....

N1 Pretty soon you will be doing your own book and making appearences on T.V....only joking....slow down give us mere mortals a chance....or let me in on the secret... Congratulations mate....very,very,very nice:clap I just hope not at same table as you at Birmingham.....
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