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APAT on Poker Stars


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Re: APAT on Poker Stars i`m out,,,no luck at all tonight,,even with pocket aces which i folded on turn, put him on flush...............got some back when i hit fullhouse against gaf?`s pocket aces,in the end went all in with a/10 got called and he hit a king on the river,,,,,,,,,c`est la vie good luck to all left in

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Re: APAT on Poker Stars Out in 85th.... Rapidly went down hill after first break.... Lost half my stack when calling a Swedish guys all in bet with pocket 5's... He shows Ace King.... I flop two pair (7's and 5's....) He hits a King on the river.... My final hand I have pocket Kings, and lose to trip Queens !

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Re: APAT on Poker Stars Out in 52nd - FUMING!!!! Go all in from SB with JJ. Only BB to act who calls leaving him with about 2000. Shows 9 2 off suit!!!! 3 diamonds on the flop and a diamond on the turn coupled with his 2 of diamonds for a flush!!! If there be a poker god please tell me there is noone on this forum who would make this call...ever! Oh well - spleen vented now. Time for bed. :@ :wall :@ :puke See you in Brum.

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Re: APAT on Poker Stars

Out in 52nd - FUMING!!!! Go all in from SB with JJ. Only BB to act who calls leaving him with about 2000. Shows 9 2 off suit!!!! 3 diamonds on the flop and a diamond on the turn coupled with his 2 of diamonds for a flush!!! If there be a poker god please tell me there is noone on this forum who would make this call...ever! Oh well - spleen vented now. Time for bed. :@ :wall :@ :puke See you in Brum.
May wanna take a look at the pot odds debate thread mate UL and good luck in birmingham!
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Re: APAT on Poker Stars

out in 18th , short stacked and went all in with aq off , got called by aj, of course the jack hits. oh well , made the money at least gl to mikerowe who's still in :hope
Cheers Lou. Was stone cold last in 16th, i pick up T2o in blinds, no-one raised me, flop comes KT2, stood up to double me up. Now 6th of 14. Me and Brunson :lol
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Re: APAT on Poker Stars Noooooooooo :cry 3rd place. My AKs reraise got called by the guy with about the same number of chips as me, he turns over A7o. Of course the 7 comes.... Then he dumped them all literally 2 hands later. A deserved win by Skaro though. Still, 5 hours and 2 minutes left me with 407 bucks, 7 ranking points and a bronze medal :rollin Well played Lou, Mike, Morl and all the other PL players :ok apat1-739966.jpg

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Re: APAT on Poker Stars

Noooooooooo :cry 3rd place. My AKs reraise got called by the guy with about the same number of chips as me, he turns over A7o. Of course the 7 comes.... Then he dumped them all literally 2 hands later. A deserved win by Skaro though. Still, 5 hours and 2 minutes left me with 407 bucks, 7 ranking points and a bronze medal :rollin Well played Lou, Mike, Morl and all the other PL players :ok
Well done Mike, fantastic result and a little unlucky at the death. Cheers, Des.
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Re: APAT on Poker Stars

Thanks Des, and cheers for the (helpful, sarcastic, just plain funny) comments from the Rail.... Definitely enjoyed this one a lot more than the last. Thanks for a good event. Mike
I'm really glad you enjoyed it Mike. I was able to follow the final 4 tables pretty closely and I have to say that was the most positive atmosphere I've seen across so many players for a long time. I've recorded the FT, so I'm sure it will go up on APAT.com in the near future. Cheers, Des.
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