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London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th


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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th http://www.bigslick.co.uk/index.html This is the club we went to play the betfair poker player grand prix final at on wednesday, its on the same line as the trains to gatwick and just south of east croyden Thursdays has this tournament on.....any thoughts Every Thursday we are running £10 rebuy tournament with a £5 bounty. The registration of £15 (£10 + £5) buys 1000 chips and a £5 cash chip. The tourney runs in the same way as a normal £10 rebuy, except that when one player is knocked out by another, he/she must hand over one £5 chip to whoever knocks them out The structure is as follows Entry = £10 + £5 bounty rebuy = 75mins chips = 1000 blinds = 25/50 clock = three 25 min levels, then goes to 20 min levels addon = yes 2x addon = yes Start time = 8.30pm Its only 6 weeks away ish now and as yet we have nothing sorted.....any ideas to oppose this?

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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th i just like the bounty idea if your an idiot who wants to rebuy every hand, i can at least knock u out a few times and get a fiver for doing so lol dont bump it on the LPM....wanna make sure our members get a game 1st, only holds around 100.....so be big slicks members, us and i dont wanna have people turned away....

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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th no problem - although there are hardly thousands in the LPM (who would be prepared to travel out to deepest darkest Croydon anyway!!!) don't think it would be a problem, but I'll keep schtum for now :ok Edit: there's a few of them prowling around here anyway, so I'm not sure how quiet we'll keep it ;)

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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th

no problem - although there are hardly thousands in the LPM (who would be prepared to travel out to deepest darkest Croydon anyway!!!) don't think it would be a problem, but I'll keep schtum for now :ok Edit: there's a few of them prowling around here anyway, so I'm not sure how quiet we'll keep it ;)
prowling? lol
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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th

prowling? lol
:lol :lol Although you're not the only one - Chewie and Swampster (Jon Young to LPMers!) to name but two, are also on here regularly. Don't see the need to keep this secret though, both LPM and PL are a great bunch of people (well those I've met anyway ;) ) sure it would be a great night to have both sets of people along. No need for a PL v. LPM challenge as such - just a night out with a game of poker :ok
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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th The main problem is that the big slick can only hold around 100 players, if we advertise it off pl and we get say 80 regulars at big slick, 10+ lpm and 20 of us, were screwed....all hypothetical figures of course, but that would be totally unfair on people paying money for flights to come to this night out....we have Burnley Joe flyin in from Plymouth and us from up north Be nothing worse than comin all this way and not to get a game..... Unless anyone has any better ideas as to what to do? Could always have a game back at the travelodge like pre-ibiza

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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th

It's a working mens club called Fern Lodge and is at 118 Gauden Road, Clapham, London SW4. 5 minutes walk from Clapham North Underground Station.
Is this still being considered as a venue or not? It's so close it'd be rude not too :ok
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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th I would have liked to have thought so, but I'm not sure. Think the consensus seems to be for the Big Slick in Croydon at the moment. The club in Clapham, however is a great venue - with a decent capacity (and very cheap drinks :ok), but it would depend on someone from the LPM coming forward to confirm whether it could be used on that date. If you live close by though, you should check out the London Poker Meetup website and get along there one Friday. They have a game at least every Friday evening - and some weekends too. The Friday game is 10 buy in, and normally gets around 40 - 50 runners (of wildly varying standards!) with cash games and STTs starting up as people get knocked out. I've only been along once as I'm not normally in London on a Friday night, but I'd thoroughly recommend it :ok

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Re: London Poker Night , Thurs November 16th

I would have liked to have thought so, but I'm not sure. Think the consensus seems to be for the Big Slick in Croydon at the moment. The club in Clapham, however is a great venue - with a decent capacity (and very cheap drinks :ok), but it would depend on someone from the LPM coming forward to confirm whether it could be used on that date. If you live close by though, you should check out the London Poker Meetup website and get along there one Friday. They have a game at least every Friday evening - and some weekends too. The Friday game is 10 buy in, and normally gets around 40 - 50 runners (of wildly varying standards!) with cash games and STTs starting up as people get knocked out. I've only been along once as I'm not normally in London on a Friday night, but I'd thoroughly recommend it :ok
Thanks for the info Milou, Is this the right site? http://poker.meetup.com/89/ I'm only in clapham south but had no idea this was happening. :)
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