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I won £150 at Stanley's Bristol Weds 13th September...


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Re: I won £150 at Stanley's Bristol Weds 13th September... Well done fella. :ok I assume with only 24 in the field, top 3 got paid. :eek Gotta ask...what's the blinds structure like? Is it 1000 chips to start with, with 100/200 blinds!? I want to have a go at one of these done at the Circus on a Monday but I can't remember the blind structure whether it's any good or you end up playing a pricey game of donkey bingo. :$

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Re: I won £150 at Stanley's Bristol Weds 13th September...

Well done fella. :ok I assume with only 24 in the field, top 3 got paid. :eek Gotta ask...what's the blinds structure like? Is it 1000 chips to start with, with 100/200 blinds!? I want to have a go at one of these done at the Circus on a Monday but I can't remember the blind structure whether it's any good or you end up playing a pricey game of donkey bingo. :$
Up 'Anley duck the starting chips for the £10 rebuy are 1000, with blinds starting at 25/50, and the blinds go up every half an hour. I've been told that this is the donkey fest, and that the standard is 'better' on other nights. Anyway, well done Jeffster very nice result! :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: I won £150 at Stanley's Bristol Weds 13th September... Well done Jeff. The prize structure of that whole event was poo! I was nice to say hello and meet you! I was the guy on your right on the 1st table bluffing every pot :) and i finished 5th for £40 :wall . It basically was the pot which would have made it or broken it for me and getting my money in when i am 61% fav is good in my eyes. Shame the result went the other way as i am sure it would have been you and I heads up :) See you at the APAT thing. Hopefully i will get my fish suit in time :) :nana :nana

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Re: I won £150 at Stanley's Bristol Weds 13th September... Yes Ben, I remember you.... How could I forget, with you making a LARGE bet, which pushed me off my Pocket 6's, and then you show 4 - 2 Off suit ! Keep it up mate, especially if you are on my table at the APAT English National LOL :loon

Well done Jeff. The prize structure of that whole event was poo! I was nice to say hello and meet you! I was the guy on your right on the 1st table bluffing every pot :) and i finished 5th for £40 :wall . It basically was the pot which would have made it or broken it for me and getting my money in when i am 61% fav is good in my eyes. Shame the result went the other way as i am sure it would have been you and I heads up :) See you at the APAT thing. Hopefully i will get my fish suit in time :) :nana :nana
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Re: I won £150 at Stanley's Bristol Weds 13th September... Stereoman, The top nine got paid, which some people didnt like, but it didnt worry me... 9th place got £20.... The structure was : 5,000 starting chips 20 minute blinds clock Initial blinds were 100 / 200 I enjoyed the tourney, irrespective of my result, because it wasnt a rebuy donkey fest....

Well done fella. :ok I assume with only 24 in the field, top 3 got paid. :eek Gotta ask...what's the blinds structure like? Is it 1000 chips to start with, with 100/200 blinds!? I want to have a go at one of these done at the Circus on a Monday but I can't remember the blind structure whether it's any good or you end up playing a pricey game of donkey bingo. :$
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Re: I won £150 at Stanley's Bristol Weds 13th September... Yeah the starting stack of 5K was nice. Blinds at 100/200 was a little worrying but they gave us the clock of a hour for this so it allowed alot of play IMO. After then they doubled every 20 mins and the final table was a bit of a lotto. As the blinds got to 1000/2000 and the average stack was around 12K :( The chip leader had around 40K so he was not even that safe! The payout with the top 9 was crazy as 8th and 9th getting £20 is hardly worth it as you end up being down on the money. Even 6th and 7th got £30 so you were still £3 down because of reg fees!!!! Ahhh well i am sure i will go again next week but i will make sure they sort the payout structure and maybe sort something out with the blinds as it was all over by 12:30am. Oh and dont forget the raise with my 2,3o to take that guy off his pocket 10's as well :nana :nana . All you guys going to the APAT thing i always bluff ok :dude

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