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Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays


Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays  

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wsop-play-poker-online-10PER_468x60.gif Sign up HERE This may be interesting, though no mention yet of the buy in......
New Full Tilt Poker competition Hendon Mob League The world famous Hendon Mob team up with Full Tilt to stage new online tournament competition
By Chris Marais September 2006
The Hendon Mob, despite having a relatively low-key World Series, are still enjoying the benefits of their recent sponsorship deal with Full Tilt Poker, and are offering a new League and Leaderboard structure to their Forum members. The new online competition will run from 3 October until 26 March next year, with tournaments taking place every Tuesday evening 8pm London time on the Full Tilt skin. All events will be played as No Limt Hold’em, and there is a nice twist with the last event of each month being either H.O.R.S.E. or Pot Limit Omaha. Of course, The Hendon Mob members, Joe Beevers, Ram Vaswani, and Ross and Barny Boatman will be playing in the events, and other Full Tilt stars such as Mike Matusow, Phil Ivey and Clonie Gowen may pop by to do battle. Players' best ten results over the whoe competition will count towards their League total and the eventual first place winner of the Leaderboard will win a Full Tilt Poker table and a solid gold Hendon Mob lapel badge. But that’s not all – here’s the real prize… The top nine players on the Leaderboard will then play a single table sit and go with equal chips, and the winner will receive a $12,000 2007 WSOP package. While the winner of the first event on 3 October will also receive an entry into the Full Tilt Dublin All Star Challenge Qualifier - worth $216; and additional spot prizes for individual tournament winners will be announced nearer the time. A pretty good set-up we think, designed to provide some quality action with The Mob, and keep Full Tilt Poker going from strength to strength. Details on how to get involved are available on The Hendon Mob website.

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Looks a very nice Blind Structure too :ok Tournament Structure for League Events

1500 starting chips 10 minute levels

Level Small Blind Big Blind
1 15 30
2 20 40
3 25 50
4 30 60
5 40 80
6 50 100
7 60 120
8 80 160
9 100 200
10 120 240
11 150 300
12 200 400
13 250 500
14 300 600
15 400 800
16 500 1000
17 600 1200
18 800 1600
19 1000 2000
20 1200 2400
21 1500 3000
22 2000 4000
23 2500 5000
24 3000 6000
25 4000 8000

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Will you be playing in this? If so, please vote yourself in in the poll :ok If we get to 20 saying yes, then I will add Full Tilt as a new core site and make all of the Hendon Mob league games Focus Games :ok These will be good games for Tuesdays for 6 months :ok Also Omaha and Horse options :ok Is also a good regular buy in game for those of you that want decent Value Added buy in games more than Freerolls :ok

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays After reading the details on the Hendon Mob website it has made the competition sound more favourable As only your Top 10 points are needed to count towards the overall position - meaning you haven't got to play every week which is a plus for us that work shifts. Also spot prizes will be given for going out on the bubble and reaching the final table, and bonus points and T-Shirts will be given for 'bagging' one of the Hendon Mob as a bounty - which make's it a little more interesting (Note though GaF that you have to register on the Hendon Mob site to be allowed to play !) ...so,even if you don't make the 'big money', and as Morls (:notworthy ) said give's us chance to get one over the 'stars' However,I'm already on Full Tilt, and the only good things about it are the Sit n Gos, and getting chance to see the Pro's in the High Stakes cash games. The downsides are the rakes they take from the low stakes cash games, and the distinct (complete ??) lack of added value tournaments. :unsure I often get the feeling that Full Tilt are solely interested in using the 'majority' (i.e small stakes players) to pay for the 'minority' (i.e the big name stars) - by taking plenty and giving very little back to us (percieved) 'lowlife'.:eyes Maybe this is a sign of a change in policy, as its completely against the norm for Full Tilt. Or maybe its being pushed and organised by the Hendon Mob themselves, which given its punter freindly appeal seems the more likely. So as for the poll question Will you be playing in the Hendon Mob League? - Then I am answering YES, as I probably will some weeks. But if the question was should Full Tilt be a 'core site' then unless it's going to give something back to the forum, like Betfred, Sporting Odds, and Slapdash :D do - then my answer would be a resounding NO

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Ta Joe - good post :ok Didn't realise that you had to sign up on the Hendon Mob site, however, I'll be playing these whether they're focus games or not :ok Worth adding, the 1st prize in the league is a $12,000 WSOP package :ok

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays GaF, I'll refrain from voting in the poll as the question asks "will you be playing in the Hendon Mob League?". I won't be able to play due to the time difference and therefore should technically vote NO. However as you are trying to assess interest in Full Tilt becoming a core site for focus games, I would definitely be voting YES if I were in the UK and able to play in the games and would be likely to play in other games on Full Tilt that are scheduled at more convenient times for myself. Hope the explanation makes sense. :ok

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Unfortunately I have had to vote no. Currently my circumstances are a bit iffy and this means that my limited resources only stretch to my own personal ''core sites''. Once my finances are fully sorted and I am better able to transfer funds around accounts then I will be in a position to play a greater variety of forum games...but at the moment I have to stick with those I have now. Voting yes, then not playing any games, wouldn't be fair to anybody.

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays I doubt I'll be playing in these GaF. I don't mind the odd $10 MTT but wouldn't want to commit to a whole six month's series of them. Also, I couldn't commit anyway because my Essex League squash matches start again next month and our 'home' night is a Tuesday. I won't vote no, because I might be able to play in the odd one but I can't vote yes either!

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays I'll definitely give a few of them a go - will do my best to play the first 4, and see what the standard's like - if I'm out of my depth I might quit while I'm behind, if I'm managing to tilt enough people through muppetry I may hang around. I'm currently counting Tony Kendall as the only pro player to want to knock my lights out, fingers crossed I can be up to 5 by December!

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Rather than reply to the pm I´ll do it here. No thanks to this. I know we have the odd focus game at 10 dollars a go but to commit for 6 months is too much in my opinion. Also I agree with some of the other comments regarding the site itself. I too downloaded it before only to bin it off within a week when I realised how much it was going to end up costing me. If You all go ahead with this then good luck to you all, I´ll just know that I have tuesdays off:ok For me the vote is a definite NO:\

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Sounds interesting so I'm saying yes. I don't plan my schedule around the focus game so that has no bearing for me. Pleased it will be possible to score enough points without playing the horse or omaha (and I can't play the opening game either) although I might attempt them after advice from Prowler in Birmingham on Sunday. :ok

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays would try to make myself available for the games . I don't plan what poker games to play normally though . If i have the spare time , then i'll check what games is there available to play in . So, i'm in for most of them hopefully :ok Just realised i'm the 20th person to vote yes . Any prize for that ? :nana:nana:nana:nana:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Tonights freeroll events have reminded me to write this. The one thing that leaves me slightly uneasy is that from what i gather the hendon mob competitions are password protected for members of their forum ...................... anyone that wants to join the forum receive the password and play in their league ,fine :ok ...................... but as for using them as a focus game i'm not so sure................................ i don't imagine we would be too chuffed if another forum effectively gatecrashed and used one of our leagues as a comp for their forum :unsure

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays

Tonights freeroll events have reminded me to write this. The one thing that leaves me slightly uneasy is that from what i gather the hendon mob competitions are password protected for members of their forum ...................... anyone that wants to join the forum receive the password and play in their league ,fine :ok ...................... but as for using them as a focus game i'm not so sure................................ i don't imagine we would be too chuffed if another forum effectively gatecrashed and used one of our leagues as a comp for their forum :unsure
Hear what you're saying m8 - no intent to "gatecrash" Hendon Mob game against their will - will drop them an email and check they are ok with it - my assumption (and I was wrong to assume) was that they were looking for numbers (having had an article on it in Poker Player) - however I was wrong to assume...... If the tourney rules are that you must sign up to play, then that must be done by anyone who enters (and lets be honest, you'd be a fool not to - imagine winning and not being able to claim your prize for the sake of a free sign up....)
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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays The HendonMob team have replied to me and they have given us the go ahead to play in this and have it as "focus games" :ok Many thanks to them for that :clap You should be clear as ever though that getting the password will not make you eligble for the added prizes - if you want to be in with a chance of winning the added prizes, then you MUST sign up for an account at the HendonMob site :ok If you intend playing in this, I recommend signing up sooner rather than later to ensure that you have the password - as morl has said - registration is now open for event :ok This should be a fun and quality league :)

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Re: Hendon Mob League on Tuesdays Like Morls, I registered last night, but noticed that the game was scheduled for 2nd Oct, instead of 3rd Oct. It has now been changed to 3rd October, but nobody is registered (think I've had a refund) - so Morls you'll need to register again or you'll be going mad when you miss it! :loon

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