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Who is DanPL?


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Re: Who is DanPL? Hed better not be from PL. I played in Safety. You all know its lottery game. (sorry but couldnt get history hand) I got KJ and raised (blinds were already pretty big) and some one put me all in which I called. DanPL was in the blind and was all in. Dan showed Qx and other dude A10. There was qxx on the flop but I got K on the river. All I got was abuse from Dan (lucky wnkar and fking prik). Now, I wouldnt mind getting abuse from the guy with A10, but not form that loser. I hope he will never shows on PL :@ :spank.

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Re: Who is DanPL?

no andy has said hes come across dan pl before i play as dan the man pl mostly thats alrite m8y i can understand him we all get abused i dnt like it either
okay mate,did check with les and he said it was you,but he obviously got confused with text,,,BIG APOLOGIES DAN:dude :dude
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Re: Who is DanPL? this pisses me off like nothing on earth, I hate the abuse you see in chat when people lose. If you can't afford to lose to the extent that it upsets you then you shouldn't be playing poker. I regularly get called all sorts when I play $5 stts, really saddens me, but I never reply

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Re: Who is DanPL? I think he had no right to abuse you there . He simply had a shit hand . He was just lucky to hit something on the flop i feel . After seeing the Q , he thought by divine right that he should win . But he forgotten that there are 2 more cards coming out . Thats y there's always a saying that goes : Its not over till the river is dealt :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Re: Who is DanPL?

I think he had no right to abuse you there
Don't think there is ever a right to abuse people, no matter what. Even if you're holding four aces and he catches runner runner to make a straight flush and beat you. I view gambling in general and poker in particular as a activity for gentlemen, etiquite should be observed at all times. If you can't do that, or can't afford to lose then you shouldn't play. Saddens me that poker sites do so little to protect the quality of their rooms, guess they are more concerned about the rake
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Re: Who is DanPL? fully agreed there . If you can't keep cool when its internet poker , how do you expect to keep your composure during live poker ?

Don't think there is ever a right to abuse people, no matter what. Even if you're holding four aces and he catches runner runner to make a straight flush and beat you. I view gambling in general and poker in particular as a activity for gentlemen, etiquite should be observed at all times. If you can't do that, or can't afford to lose then you shouldn't play. Saddens me that poker sites do so little to protect the quality of their rooms, guess they are more concerned about the rake
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Re: Who is DanPL?

Well, I'm going to disagree with you all here - I love when someone starts getting abusive!! To be honest, it gives me a laugh which relieves the boredom and makes me concentrate better on waiting for the right hand to take the t***er out!! :ok Use it to your advantage in the future, guys! TQM
Agree 100% I love it when they get abusive, you can guarantee they'll go all in within two hands. I, like everyone else get a bit pissed off when 6 2 off beats my high pair but ffs if someone wants to go in with 62off they are accepting the odds it's not really god taking the piss. I had this sh1t with oulton in the CL on Sunday, I put in a massive raise with AK, he went all in, I called because I was pretty well comitted, he turned over KK, I hit an A and took most of his stack ..... he wouldn't shut up about it all night, I only had to drop in the odd quip every 4 hqnds or so -like 'get over it' ot 'yeh i'm a muppet, but i'm a muppet with your chips' the guy really couldn't get over it and ended up blowing any chance he had trying to steal my blinds, it's one of the most beautiful things in online poker to see someone tilt because they've lost. I don't care what cards are played against what, only a complete w4nker thinks he has a divine right to win.
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Re: Who is DanPL? I've had abuse from this DanPL guy too. He was in a Hills Grand Prix qualifier a few weeks ago and I took a few chips from him when I hit an ace on the turn holding AK and there was 2, 8, 10 on the flop. He was slow playing 10 K. Anyway when I first saw him at the table I mentioned punters lounge and he said something to the effect of 'wtf are u on about?' Charming.

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Re: Who is DanPL? this thread is getting more interesting . :lol:lol:lol:lol Obviously when players get heated up , its nice because they would be on tilt and go all in with shit most often . Unfortunately , most of the time i don't have a hand at all , so i can only laugh but can't take their chips away . :@

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Re: Who is DanPL? Obviously we know who he is now. Some turd :ok. I also agree with you guys . I love driving people insane in poker and I love the worst abuse possible. The thing that touched me, was PL to his name. I just couldnt believe any of us would say that and I had to make sure of it. I knew it was weird cause you guys are the best poker gentleman of them all :clap.

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Re: Who is DanPL?

Those who like it when players get abusive because it indicates they've gone on tilt seem to have missed the crucial point that in this case he became abusive after being knocked out ... so no upside.
Sorry Slap I can't agree with your point here. Firstly, getting annoyed because you've gone out is perfectly natural but getting abusive shows your playing a game you don't understand. No one has a devine right to win with any cards, it is after all largely a game of luck. If you make a bet with crap cards you're taking a risk at very poor odds which you're perfectly entitled to do. As most people doing this would be nicknamed 'fish' unless they hit something and take you out when they become a 'muppet'. Whatever game you play if losing causes you to be abusive it means you don't really understand the nature of the game. For every badbeat that's dished out someone get's lucky. I've done before and I'll do it again, if I'm playing multiple tourneys and need to concentrate on one more than the others because I'm doing well I'll use the other to play loose agressive to build up a quick stack to afford me a 'sitout' or to leave the game- in which case 66 is a great hand to go all-in with. I can see how other people might agree with you and I think you've got a fair point but the one thing that most people seem to forget is that you don't have to make the bet. Abusive losers (abusive because they've lost a couple of hands) are pethetic and I really enjoy their anguish. I can't have any sympathy for a bad loser - he shouldn't be there in the first place.
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Re: Who is DanPL?

Um, I think I agree with everything you've said! But in what way does it disagree with my point? All I was saying was that it doesn't help you if your opponents go on tilt after they're out of the game.
Sorry, end of a long boring day at work, didn't read it properly and jumped to the wrong conclusion. I thought you were saying that it's in someway justified if they've been taken out by bad cards. Note to self: learn to read:spank :spank :spank
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