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PL Game in Plymouth in January

Burnley Joe

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January Sorry Joe not looking good for me at the moment. due to the time of year work are being difficult regarding time off. I'll keep at them and let you know if I get anyway but for the time being assume I won't be able to make it.:sad I'm sure those of you who do go will have a great time:nana

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January

No worries thanks for letting me know. looking forward to it only 2 weeks to go
Im the same Joe, were taking over the student grants payments as of monday and all hands are on deck, so ill have to see if i can get the saturday off Hopefully i can and ill see ya there, will let u know sometime next week for sure!:ok
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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January MC and Joe are on the :beer again, on the :beer again, on the :beer again :drums:drums :nana:nana Joe I will be there Friday afternoonish, I'm dropping my Mum & Dad in Teignmouth first and going to see my Uncle for a bit. I should be with you in plenty of time for early doors :ok:ok

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January Uber, Les is also staying at the travellodge, and should be there between 2 and 3 so it would be cheaper if you all get the taxi together Taxi number 01752 550777 and ask for a seven seater if more than five of you, as hes coming with three others See you all then

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January hiya joe, just a few questions about the night. what is the dress code? what time in union street? what time do clubs shut? can i get a drink after ten?will i get in anywhere this time?(unlike belfast) bri did u get my PS3, looking forward to seeing you, if not why? Oh and did you have a good time?? heard cricket went well lol :cheers :beer :nana

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January

hiya joe, just a few questions about the night. what is the dress code? what time in union street? what time do clubs shut? can i get a drink after ten?will i get in anywhere this time?(unlike belfast) bri did u get my PS3, looking forward to seeing you, if not why? Oh and did you have a good time?? heard cricket went well lol :cheers :beer :nana
joe can I change my mind and give this one a miss :moon
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