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PL Game in Plymouth in January

Burnley Joe

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Hi, I have been speaking to the Manager at the local casion about organising a game for us all. She has confirmed that we would be able to have the floor upstairs with all the tables on a Saturday night. Therefore, i was wondering if anybody would be interested in playing down here. I can arrange a hotel at cheap rates, (friends dad), also i could put up about 12 people Let me know and if suitable numbers I will start the ball rolling Cheers Joe

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January Could be well up for it but we have a couple of things coming up in the mean time- we'll try our hardest and mark it in the diary- january is shit in Belgium, everyone is on holiday so it'd a nice excursion. Do they have electricity in Plymouth or do we have to bring our own?

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January Okay i`ll start organising things. Look forward to seeing you all down here. I`ve told the wife she can go and see her mum with the kids, so basicaly you can all doss here. Just bring a sleeping bag. As long as one of you doesn`t mind sleeping in a car bed, then theres stacks of room.

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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January

Morls, if you fly down i will pick you up from Exeter Airport Joe
Cheers Joe:clap Like a few of the others, i cant commit til nearer the time, as my new job comes with 1 saturday a month working in my contract, so once i get back from vegas, ill make the decisons about belfast and about plymouth depending on my rota:ok
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Re: PL Game in Plymouth in January Excellent, People interested Les Johnson Swampster Teaul Philossify Morls 6ooner Jeffster MCFC 66 Tax Monkey Ginnerjones Jammie 11 so first come first serve, you are all welcome to stay at mine, got 5 bedrooms, but one is mine so you can fight for where u wonna stay! Will update early December with all details :nana

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