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Advice please


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Was this bad play or did I run into a muppet.?? My reason for the play was because John5555 was bullying from the off with just about any 2 cards.

[sep 8 19:03:16] : Hand Start.
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 1 : nukcdy111 has $3,360
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 2 : nah has $2,810
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 3 : kwak1100 has $70
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 5 : John5555 has $6,530
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 6 : misterc32uk has $1,830
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 7 : FruitBatCat has $1,790
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 8 : karlos1978 has $2,040
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 9 : PLGal has $1,600
[sep 8 19:03:16] : karlos1978 is the dealer.
[sep 8 19:03:16] : PLGal posted small blind.
[sep 8 19:03:16] : nukcdy111 posted big blind.
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Game [17] started with 8 players.
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[sep 8 19:03:16] : Seat 9 : PLGal has Qc Qh
[sep 8 19:03:18] : nah folded.
[sep 8 19:03:18] : kwak1100 folded.
[sep 8 19:03:21] : John5555 called 100 and raised 800
[sep 8 19:03:21] : misterc32uk folded.
[sep 8 19:03:21] : FruitBatCat folded.
[sep 8 19:03:25] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Level up in: 6 min. Break in: 38 min. Players : 272
[sep 8 19:03:28] : karlos1978 called 900
[sep 8 19:03:38] : PLGal called 850 and raised 700 and is All-in
[sep 8 19:03:38] : Under-Raise rules are now in effect.
[sep 8 19:03:38] : nukcdy111 did not respond and is folded
[sep 8 19:03:40] : John5555 called 700
[sep 8 19:03:43] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Level up in: 5 min. Break in: 37 min. Players : 272
[sep 8 19:03:44] : karlos1978 called 700
[sep 8 19:03:44] : Dealing flop.
[sep 8 19:03:44] : Board cards [9c 6s Tc]
[sep 8 19:03:48] : John5555 bet 400
[sep 8 19:03:50] : karlos1978 called 400
[sep 8 19:03:51] : Dealing turn.
[sep 8 19:03:51] : Board cards [9c 6s Tc 4s]
[sep 8 19:03:53] : John5555 checked.
[sep 8 19:03:56] : karlos1978 bet 40 and is All-in
[sep 8 19:03:56] : Under-Raise rules are now in effect.
[sep 8 19:03:57] : John5555 called 40
[sep 8 19:03:58] : Showdown!
[sep 8 19:03:58] : Seat 9 : PLGal has Qc Qh
[sep 8 19:03:59] : Seat 5 : John5555 has Qd Kd
[sep 8 19:03:59] : Seat 8 : karlos1978 has Ts Ah
[sep 8 19:03:59] : Seat 9 : PLGal has Qc Qh
[sep 8 19:04:00] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Level up in: 5 min. Break in: 37 min. Players : 271
[sep 8 19:04:05] : Board cards [9c 6s Tc 4s Ad]
[sep 8 19:04:05] : Seat 8 : karlos1978 has Ts Ah
[sep 8 19:04:05] : karlos1978 has Two Pair: Aces and 10s
[sep 8 19:04:05] : Seat 5 : John5555 has Qd Kd
[sep 8 19:04:05] : John5555 has High Card : Ace
[sep 8 19:04:05] : karlos1978 wins 880 with Two Pair: Aces and 10s
[sep 8 19:04:05] : Seat 9 : PLGal has Qc Qh
[sep 8 19:04:05] : PLGal has Pair: Queens
[sep 8 19:04:05] : Seat 5 : John5555 has Qd Kd
[sep 8 19:04:05] : John5555 has High Card : Ace
[sep 8 19:04:05] : Seat 8 : karlos1978 has Ts Ah
[sep 8 19:04:05] : karlos1978 has Two Pair: Aces and 10s
[sep 8 19:04:05] : karlos1978 wins 4,900 with Two Pair: Aces and 10s
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Re: Advice please Looks like fairly reasonable, indeed good (IMHO) play by you - after the raise and the call by karlos (whi I wouldn't be placing on AA KK or indeed AK) then IMHO with QQ you only have 2 choices fold or all-in - with your relative chip position and the raise being from the big aggressive stack then my choice of the two options would be strongly in favor of all-in. The biggest threats are that one of them has KK or AA - if they haven't then theres chances that they both have an ace and something else which makes the chance of an ace coming out smaller. Worst (assuming no AA or AK) is that one ace and one king out there - in whih case there are 6 cards around which will give them a pair to beat yours (ignoring all the more unusual things that could beat you like some indiot with 72o). Odds to my mind look good in your favour. In fact Pokerstove puts you at 44% to win the hand - which (since you triple up) is good value. So IMHO that was a good play on your part. You just got unlucky against an Ax player.

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Re: Advice please As I said before, the big stack was being super aggressive with just about anything but the eventual winner, I put on a middle pair which I worked out by the flat call (or could have been trapping). Either way it is gutting to be called by the A 10 after my raise. :( Thanks for the answer phil :ok

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Re: Advice please I think you were unlucky I guess this a freeroll Thats the bad thing on freerolls, someone could have the worse hand ever and will call, its like they are seeing other cards when really the cards are crap. They see it Like George Michael with a cock in front of him, they smile and you know they are not gonna go away!!!!!!!!

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Re: Advice please

I think you were unlucky I guess this a freeroll Thats the bad thing on freerolls, someone could have the worse hand ever and will call, its like they are seeing other cards when really the cards are crap. They see it Like George Michael with a cock in front of him, they smile and you know they are not gonna go away!!!!!!!!
joe,you have such a way with words:rollin :rollin
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