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Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News


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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News Cheers Jomell - interesting times in the US!!! Not quite sure why it should worry us and make us withdraw our funds though ...... don't think I'll be panicing and jumping ship!!! Worth adding SportingBet is listed on the UK Stock Exchange - so out of juristiction of the US really.......

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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News I'm with GAF , don't think this will, in the immediate future, have any impact on SO's operation so I'm leaving my funds in. SO have been quite good for my wealth over the last 7 months - love qualifying for raked hand events by playing cheapo fixed limit Turkish tables :lol . Mind you I do have a policy that means I don't tend to leave too much sitting in my assorted sites anyway. If I win a reasonable chunk I take most of it out leaving enough in for at most 10 or so $5 mtt entries. Coupled to the fact that I'm playing a lot of cheapo value games at the mo (concentration shot I don't trust my play as much as I should at moment) then I find that I rarely need to top up my accounts. I've too many sites on go at moment anyway so any that do get down to zero I tend to place in my dead sites folder and only reopen if a decent game is id'd on here or in one of the mags. But its interesting to wonder how serious the American's and others might get in trying to put closer control on online gambling. It's (I imagine) becoming a significant factor in the removal of money from some countries taxation systems (all the companies tending to be operated out of strange overseas tax heavens). I'd be more worried when the "overloaded" number of online poker/casino sites begins to cut out the dead wood :spank - some sites (IMHO) seem to have too few players losing money to support their give-a-ways. Those sort of sites I sometimes play - but keep my bankroll down really low!

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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News i think the problem here is the american goverment thinking they rule the world:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ . these companys are not breaking any law where they reside ,so they are not breaking the law . the only people that are breaking the law are the american players (most of their play is criminal:lol :lol ). so if george bush wants to put about%5of their population behind bars that's not going to be good for anybody ,loads of angry voters and me with less fish to snare:sad . this is not sporting odds problem, a panic with everybody clearing their accounts will not help them at all and they have always been fair and honest with me (well if you talk to joe they are ok:clap :clap , live help maybe not:eyes ). instead i think devoting a bit of time to the real problem would be better ,maybe we could do a george bush thread and see how far we can google it;)

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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News I believe that the problem is the amount of US dollars leaving the states to European bank accounts. When we were in Vegas earlier in the year, one chap said to me in a Binions tourney " the problem with this place now, is that there are too many brits coming over here who know what theyre doing taking all the money" straight up. :) There were 3 tables left, and on mine 6 were from the UK out of initially 170 runners, Lou actually finished on the FT two tourneys on the trot. I just think there worried about their economy ( oh and wanting to control peoples freedom)

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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News

I just think there worried about their economy ( oh and wanting to control peoples freedom)
If it were only a matter of their economy, they'd legalize and regulate online gambling in the US. I just saw an "expert commentator" on BBC News 24 saying that poker sites had nothing to worry about because poker involves skill, but sports betting sites did because that's purely a matter of chance. Hmmm! Good thing he warned me!
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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News ''This has prompted Congress to propose a US law banning banks and credit card companies from processing internet gambling payments.'' My credit card, CITI cards, is US based and they stopped all internet gambling transactions last year, even though I am UK based. My point is the US card companies have seen this coming for a while now. Read an article some time ago saying that the US government turned a blind eye to this type of stuff, however they would have a mini purge every so often in order to retain the votes of the ''deep south'', where they feel very strongly about the evils of gambling! (allegedly)

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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News I withdrew from Paradise last night and it was in my account this morning. Not worth taking any chances after the BetonSports fiasco but I would have been more worried if I had cash in one or their sportsbooks or skins (a mate has $8k in sportsbooks.com and is sweating a withdrawl at the moment). My Neteller and SBT shares are still screwed though. Damn yanks, you can have a fricken gun to blow someone's brains out and watch hard core porn to your hearts delight, but you can't have a wager on a on a game of football :)

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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News This is the strangest bonus I have ever been given! I have never deposited at Paradise but played in a freeroll there and won $100. Went to cash out and a sign came up saying if I opened a Neteller account I would be given a $20 bonus, since I already have one I clicked cash out via Neteller, they did not ask for my account number only my email address. Had an email from Paradise saying a payment for $120 was being processed which includes a $20 cash out bonus. The money is now in my Neteller account :nana :nana

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Re: Sporting Odds/Paradise Poker Urgent News my understanding is that a lot of poker sites are feeling the squeeze at the mo (I have a friend who recruits graduates for the sports and entertainment sector) and its not just US sites either - the Viet Cong site (ahem) have just cancelled all their graduates in the UK and Gilbralter from my friends recruiten agency as they have had over a 20% drop in revenue in the last 3 months (mainly from US patrons withdrawing funds, or having their credit cards blocked from payment/deposit/withdrawal, so they have all had checks and cashed out) Fortunately my sporting odds account is a betting/sports first and poker second (they transfer my money from the sports book) so i can't see how I would be affected as they are UK based? yes/no? anyone confirm? Damo

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