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I've just got to let off some steam...


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:@ :wall Can't believe this got called.... Down to the last 70 in tonights Poker God game... stack size is OK in relation to the blinds but there's guys holding 3/4 times more than me... blinds are 150/300 ante 15 when I get dealt AJo. I raise 4 x BB and pick up one caller... flop comes QTA and I push all-in with my last 2,140... after some hesitation my opponent calls and shows a pair of 3's (WTF?? :@ ) ... I'll leave you to guess what arrived on the turn and what didn't show on the river! :wall :@ :wall :@ :wall

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Re: I've just got to let off some steam...

Down to the last 70 in tonights Poker God game... stack size is OK in relation to the blinds but there's guys holding 3/4 times more than me... blinds are 150/300 ante 15 when I get dealt AJo. I raise 4 x BB and pick up one caller... flop comes QTA and I push all-in with my last 2,140... after some hesitation my opponent calls and shows a pair of 3's (WTF?? :@ ) ... I'll leave you to guess what arrived on the turn and what didn't show on the river!
Very bad luck, shocking gutter call. However I'm not sure i'd have pushed that with AJ though, potential straight on the board, needing a K. Real danger is he's already made a straight. Top pair, reasonable kicker is nice, but not all in nice. You'd figure the caller has a decent hand. I'd have slow played it, prepared to walk if required. There was already enough chips in the pot. I'm surprised you consider AJo to be worthy of a raise of 1200 chips, a third of your stack preflop with a full table. It's a long way from a made hand, very often the flop is going to give you nothing, or even worse make someone elses hands, I see your play here as really just a blind steal gone wrong, your got pot comitted and didn't walk. AJo, with blinds at this level, I'd have flat called preflop.
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Re: I've just got to let off some steam... Unbelievable call mate....:sad Was probably a beginner exercising "beginner's luck"....They will now think Poker is a piece of P1ss, and have a very rude awakening, one day soon... Like Burnley Joe said, thats the trouble with free rolls, and also why I am giving the pub poker here in Bristol a miss for while too...The people involved are a great bunch, but as its free to play, people will, and do, call with any two cards...And suck out on you... I will readily admit that I aint the world's best poker player, nor even the best on Punters Lounge, not by a long shot, BUT, all the book reading, actual play and striving to improve my game aint gonna mean jack sh!t, unless I regularly play decent players, against whom I can gauge my progress or otherwise... The only freeroll that I personally play in that I think is taken seriously by the people in it is the Poker Player Betfair Grand Prix...(Only played one round of the Mansion IE Pokergod, so cant really gauge it...) It will be very largely be $5 STT's for me for a while...

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Re: I've just got to let off some steam...

So you raise to 4xBB or by 4xBB? Either way' date=' I make your stack
Follsgold - " AJo, with blinds at this level, I'd have flat called preflop."
It was an attempted blind steal but I was comfortable with picking up one caller. I didn't want the blinds to get a free shot at the flop and if (as they did) they folded I was going to be first to act. If the flop had gone against me I was more than prepared to ditch the hand and wait for another opportunity. For the record, with a pair of 3's, I doubt that I would have called the initial pre-flop raise and would definately never, EVER have called a 7 x BB all-in with 3 overcards on the flop! I'll leave that kind of stuff to Jaded! :lol :ok
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Re: I've just got to let off some steam...

Follsgold - " AJo, with blinds at this level, I'd have flat called preflop." This is dangerous beyond belief. So many things could go wrong - a) Someone behind you raises. Now what? b) Everyone behind you calls - where do you stand? c) Flop comes raggy - BB bets into you. He's not going to believe any raises, so you fold. Limping is weak passive, and will put you to much tougher decisions than raising will. If you raise you give yourself the chance of winning the pot right there. You can also represent on the flop, plus you thin the field and improve your chances of winning against one or two opponents.
Might be going against accepted wisdom here but here goes. I don't think what I've suggested is dangerous at all, let me answer some of your questions and explain
a) Someone behind you raises. Now what?
Easy, I fold
b) Everyone behind you calls - where do you stand?
Answer that when I've seen the flop and have more information
c) Flop comes raggy - BB bets into you. He's not going to believe any raises, so you fold.
Yep, and folding isn't a bad thing here. You talk about dangerous beyond belief, what I think is dangerous beyond belief is getting pot committed with a raise of a third of your entire stack preflop with AJo, which a quick glance at the Slansky rating tells me is only the 23rd best starting hand. With 10 players at the table, simple maths says it's likely that one or two people at the table will have better hands. It's a bluff to steal blinds. At best marginally playable in late position only, Brael doesn't tell us where he was sitting. He also got lucky on the flop by pairing his Aces, the flop could easily have had a King or Queen instead. What do you do then ? You're in for a third of your stack, it's a harder fold. Everything you've written is based on how to win the hand, by making the other fold. You don't consider when to fold the hand. In a MTT a good fold is as important as a pot win.
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Re: I've just got to let off some steam...

It was an attempted blind steal but I was comfortable with picking up one caller. I didn't want the blinds to get a free shot at the flop and if (as they did) they folded I was going to be first to act. If the flop had gone against me I was more than prepared to ditch the hand and wait for another opportunity. For the record, with a pair of 3's, I doubt that I would have called the initial pre-flop raise and would definately never, EVER have called a 7 x BB all-in with 3 overcards on the flop! I'll leave that kind of stuff to Jaded!
Think we posted same time, impressed that you'd be prepared to fold if the flop goes against you. It's a hard call with a third of your chips in. Agree 100% with everything else
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Re: I've just got to let off some steam...

Brael doesn't tell us where he was sitting.
Mid to late... can't remember exactly but was defo not on the button. Ultimately, everyone has different ways of playing different hands and that's what makes poker such a cracking game to play. If we all played every hand in a specific way then it would be mega dull if not non-existant! :lol One thing we do all seem to agree on though is that it was a poor post-flop call by my opponent... mebbe I'll get my own back on Sunday night! :hope Thanks for your input everyone! :ok
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Re: I've just got to let off some steam... Have to agree with Foolsgold, sorry, I would never put a 4x raise in with AJ preflop, commits you to much to keep following through and at the end of the day you only had a gut straight draw after the flop, you where never infront at any stage........................ odds are always against you making that flush or straight, any pair had you beat. You might have been doin some big style stealing and maybe he just made a stand?????

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