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After playing miserably in the champ's league I foolishly decided to play on the cash tables. I was doing alright until this happened and set me on total tilt. :cry Did I do anything wrong, or is my luck just eternally shit? Tango&Ca$h: --, -- The Stand: --, -- -Angler-: --, -- taft: --, -- Hayward2k: Kh, Kc Pre-flop: -Angler-: Fold taft: Call 1.50 Hayward2k: Raise 4.50 Tango&Ca$h: Fold The Stand: Call 4.50 taft: Call 4.50 Flop (Board: 5c, 2d, Jd): The Stand: Check taft: Check Hayward2k: Bet 9.00 The Stand: Fold taft: Call 9.00 Turn (Board: 5c, 2d, Jd, 6h): taft: Check Hayward2k: Bet 27.00 taft: Call 27.00 River (Board: 5c, 2d, Jd, 6h, Qs): taft: Check Hayward2k: All in taft: All in Showdown: Hayward2k shows: Kh, Kc (a pair of Kings) taft shows: Qh, Jh (two pair, Queens and Jacks) Mainpot: taft wins the pot of 342.65 with two pair, Queens and Jacks (3.00 rake were taken for this hand) :spank :cry :spank :cry :gimme :beer :cry :wall :wall :wall

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Re: Gutted... I suppose the only thing I did wrong was go all in at the end, I didn't need to and only did it purely out of frustration that he had not folded on the turn when I was 99.9% sure that I was ahead. Checking was the safest option but I wanted to take all his chips. Greed got the better of me and bit me hard. :sad

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Re: Gutted... You were just unlucky to come up against one of the "I got two cards, so I aint folding brigade".... I got pocket queens in a game last week in a six seater on VC Poker, raised, get one caller...Flop was rags, I bet big again....Guy calls..Turn is a two...And yes, the guy had pocket two's.... Fortunately, it didnt cost me the tourney, which I eventually won, but with people coming into Poker all the time, you will invariably come up against the "two cards, no fold brigade" who just havent learnt to play properly yet... I guess we all started there at some point in our poker careers, but a bad beat still rankles, doesnt it...

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Re: Gutted... look at it from his point of view, he has top pair with a good kicker, there is no straight or flush draws on the board. He probably put you on J with a weaker kicker. Agree you were very unlucky, but 9 times out of 10, you'd take him out. Keep the faith

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Re: Gutted...

look at it from his point of view, he has top pair with a good kicker, there is no straight or flush draws on the board. He probably put you on J with a weaker kicker. Agree you were very unlucky, but 9 times out of 10, you'd take him out. Keep the faith
Taking it from his point of view, he called a raise pre-flop which to me indicates that I'm going to have better than J rag to start off with. The call on the turn was just screwed up. Oh well. :sad
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Re: Gutted... Mate tonight in the SO Champs league sitting about 7th 35 left A 10 Raise blind x 4 on the button, SB and BB fold 1 caller with Q 6 Flop A 8 6 Bet 800 again He called Flop 8 I bet 1000 He calls River 6 check, he goes all in, i`m well pot commited, call and he shows the Q 6 I`m out Could not have done anymore apart from going all in on the flop, but hindsight is great Thats Poker i guess

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