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PokerDome Update


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Evenin' Guys & gals. You may well remember that at the beginning of August I won the Inside Edge freeroll for a seat in the Mansion PokerDome to be played on September 9th. Clearly I was overjoyed as one of the poker goals I'd set myself at the start of the year was to win entrance into an live poker tournament with a life changing prize fund and I'd gone and done it. I was however concerned that the trip to Vegas may clash with the impending birth of my Daughter (due on the 28th August) but secretly I thought the baby would easily be born by then. Everybody is always saying how the second ones are early and the pokerdome wasn't until 2 weeks after the due date. Well not in our case! The Mrs is sat here with me, almost 1 week overdue and it looks as though my VIP trip to Vegas is in jeopardy. I'd be lying if I said it would be a difficult decision not to go as if the baby isn't born then there is no decision to be made, I won't be going. However, I can feel the money falling through my fingers. A 1 in 6 chance at $25k, 1 in 36 chance at $50k and a 1in 216 chance at $1m doesn't come along every day at the week. At least I'll have some arguments to use with my daughter when she becomes that difficult teenager.... I gave up a million dollars for you love, etc. Hopefully I'll also be able to dine out on the story for a few years. Anyway, all hope is not yet loss. The flights are not until Thursday so I need lots of positive thinking from you poker players to get me to Vegas. :hope Otherwise Thursday will be spent at the hospital as my Wife gets induced. As an aside, I am making the obvious choice here? What do the rest of you think, would you be giving up the chance or would you be getting yourself over to Vegas no matter what? I hope to see you at the tables in September. I spent most of August playing 6max cash games and STTs as practice. The cash games were a roller coaster ride (uber variance - up 260BB then down 300BB, hopefully covered in another post) so I'm going back to 10max (for bonus whoring) and some MTTs this month; new screaming child permitting. FBF / MFI

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Re: PokerDome Update holy beejus what a question depends entirely on how understanding the missus is (oh hang on, she is full of hormones and is now sick to the back teeth of carrying around baby-to-be and just wants it out! hmmmmm prolly not THAT understanding then.....) Have you tried curry/hotbaths/bribes etc to get it to come out quicker? best of luck Damo (who neatly side stepped the question!) ps you tried contacting Mansion and explaining your situation?

Evenin' Guys & gals. :hope Otherwise Thursday will be spent at the hospital as my Wife gets induced. As an aside, I am making the obvious choice here? What do the rest of you think, would you be giving up the chance or would you be getting yourself over to Vegas no matter what?
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Re: PokerDome Update Have you explained the situation to Mansion? Whilst they usually don't transfer, your circumstances are quite special ...... As you say - no way you can consider going if the Baby hasn't arrived by then (we've had discussion on Poker v Family here - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33296 - and everyone seems to agree - family has to come first :ok) :hope for you, missus and baby :)

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Re: PokerDome Update hmmmm seems I am a cold hearted bastard then as I am 99% sure I would be in Vegas there you go have answered - but then again Liz understands....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA who am I kidding?!?!?!? (about her understanding that is, I would be packed by now) Damo

Have you explained the situation to Mansion? Whilst they usually don't transfer, your circumstances are quite special ...... As you say - no way you can consider going if the Baby hasn't arrived by then (we've had discussion on Poker v Family here - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33296 - and everyone seems to agree - family has to come first :ok) :hope for you, missus and baby :)
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Guest gazza271

Re: PokerDome Update agree with GaF, family come first.....espcially the birth of your child :ok get onto Mansion and explain, they may well have someone else that cant make another date and can swop etc but you have to be there for the birth. All the best to you and your family and look forward to an update :ok

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Re: PokerDome Update

Evenin' Guys & gals. As an aside, I am making the obvious choice here? What do the rest of you think, would you be giving up the chance or would you be getting yourself over to Vegas no matter what? FBF / MFI
I was there for the birth of mine and all this "it's the most beautiful thing" is bullshit, your only purpose is to be abused by the Mrs, smirked at by the midwife and generally disgusted by the whole process. However you'd still be a muppet to miss it for any amount of money:) BTW Hope it goes well (i.e. quickly for the MRS)
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Re: PokerDome Update I tried all angles with Carlene from Mansion but to no avail. I will have another go on say Wednesday if the baby still hasn't come. Could I get them some positive media coverage from this? Due to the tight schedule and the way entrants are allocated to tournies there was no way of moving it back or forward. What is weird is that I don't feel that bothered. It would be great to go of course but I don't think this is the once in a lifetime opportunity that ppl at work refer to. So far we've tried hot curries (i loaded it with chilli), pineapple, warm baths and one or two other things ;) . Not sure what else to try. Nice post on family vs. poker. I'll have a read of that one later. I'll keep you posted and I must pass on my regards from the Mrs as she is pleased that your all supporting my decision to stay at home. She said you will all be saying to go to Vegas and was going to put a post up at iVIllage to canvass pregnant women's opinion. We all know what that opinion would have been. Worst case scenario I will try and get a few hundred quid by selling the story to those shit womens magazines that the Mrs loves to read. "The million dollar baby" or "No poker because he poked her" :lol would make good headlines. FBF

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Re: PokerDome Update

Bigmal, i asked my missus if we could have oral sex to bring his baby on and she said okay, and fcked off to bed. miserable cow
try telling her everyone on pl is having oral sex to try and send positive thoughts to fatboy to induce labour so he can go to vegas.it might work you never know until we try ppl.:nana:nana:nana p.s. make sure your lady's hands are empty when you ask as like me you might have a mobile phone thrown at you.(she loves me really)
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Re: PokerDome Update $25,000. Is this a life changing amount of money? Being totally honest I would be prepared to miss the birth for this sum of money. In fact as happy as I was to be present at the birth of both of ours, afterwards I felt the same as Tax Monkey, so maybe this has coloured my view. In fact I asked my kids whether they're grateful to me for being there when they arrived into the world, and they just ignored me... :\ :lol

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Re: PokerDome Update Congratulations on your impending fatherhood... I was at the birth of both of my children and wouldn't have missed it for the world! It sounds stupid but it is only money... and yes, I could do with more. This is of course only an opinion and you may not be bothered about being there or may not even want to although it doesn't sound like that. Another way to think of it is that assuming you are a good player then this will not be the only opportunity that you ever get (admittedly this is a very good chance for a life changing sum of money but you could come back with nothing) plus you never know Mansion may change the date for you... I would go with the suggestions of others before me and contact Magazines, TV etc. tell Mansion that you intend to publish your dilemma in the papers and that this could be opportunity for positive publicity! Good luck with everything! :ok Note: I think Slapdash ()below) was referring to my post w.r.t.threatening behaviour... edited my post as I did not mean to suggest that you threaten them with publication if they don't change the date. I realize it did come over as aggressive after I had posted. Was having a bad day and fed up with 'jobsworths'. I thought that considering the circumstances some accommodation could be reached by Mansion. The positive angle would definately be a better approach!

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Re: PokerDome Update

I'd be very wary of "threatening" Mansion with bad publicity if they don't change the date for you. I think you'll be much more likely to get somewhere if you focus on the good publicity they could get if they did change it.
I must have given the wrong impression in an earlier post as I would never consider the negative publicity angle. I'm a long time customer of Mansion, have wagered many thousands through their exchange and won a trip to the World Cup with them earlier this year. It was definitely on the positive side and the media coverage they could get from this. I'm really tempted to offer to name the little girl Mansion (we can change it later by deed poll) as this should get some coverage in the red tops. I think I'll drop Inside Edge a positve note about Mansion to see if this makes any difference. Any other ideas?
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