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New Poker Schedule at Stanleys in Bristol (Redcliffe)


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There is a new schedule at Stanleys in Portwall Lane, Bristol : (All games Texas No Limit Hold 'Em) 1st Wednesday of every month is a £100 freezeout Every other Wednesday is a £30 Freezeout Thursdays - A £30 optional one rebuy or topup Fridays - A £20 rebuy Saturdays - A £50 rebuy Sunday afternoons - A £20 rebuy. Pity that the freezeouts are on Wednesdays, but then again, this mght deter a lot of people from going, so the fields could be smaller...

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Re: New Poker Schedule at Stanleys in Bristol (Redcliffe) Not sure, but my guess would be 5,000 mate... Not played in the casino for a while, and have never played a "freezer" there, as all their tourneys have been re-buys upto now, which got you just 1,000 chips, which made em an all in donkfest....

How many chips do you get in freezeout?
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  • 8 months later...

Re: New Poker Schedule at Stanleys in Bristol (Redcliffe) About time I updated this, I guess.... Wednesdays and Thursdays at Stanleys are now £10 Rebuys... Fridays are £20 Re-buys... Saturday is now a £20 freezeout, with one re-buy OR top up, so max spend £40... I havent played the re-buys, but Saturdays now attract 60 - 70 runners.... I much preferred Saturdays when they were £50 with one re-buy OR top up, max spend £100, as you got 25 - 30 runners , who all knew how to play... Now, you can get people for whom £40 is "cheaper than taking the missus out", "a bit of a laugh", "cheaper than going clubbing", who aint got a clue about Poker... The other week, I was dealing, and had pocket nines...With blinds at 200 / 400, a guy in mid position raises to 1,000, another guy calls.... I go all in for 10,300 chips... First guy could couldnt get rid of his cards quick enough...Other guy calls, leaving himself just 200 chips, turns over Queen Nine off-suit, and rivers a Queen ! What was really galling was that I go get a pint, and return to card room 10 minutes later, to find the guy gone - a mate of mine said that after knocking me out, he got cocky and over confident, and pissed all the chips aways in double quick time ! Another time, my pocket aces got cracked by 3 - 4 off, which flopped a pair, and turned trips ! Hopefully, all this evens out over time, but at the time its unbelievable to see people calling with absolute junk and sucking out !

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