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Im loving Poker770


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I've been playing there on and off since the free money was given out with the bonus codes on here. I have yet to put any money in and have $648 in my account. I won $5 in their daily tomobola yesterday and appear to have $37 bonus to be awarded when I accumulate enough points. The standard of play on there is quite weak and I have a few players which I look for where I can almost guarantee a payout. I played on the 25c/50c tables last night and had what I think are my two biggest wins for a single hand. The first won me $86 and then 4 hands later I won $139. kkfy5.jpg aaml7.jpg Needless to say I shall be staying on that site for a while.

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Re: Im loving Poker770 Used Alt + PrntSc to save the screen to clipboard and then pasted it into paint (or any photo software). Save as a jpeg on your harddrive and then upload to image shack. They then give you a URL to cut and paste into your message which when you post shows the image. There is a post on here about it somewhere. Possibly in the stickys at the top. ___ Just seen your earlier post that TaxMonkey replied to. It all in the post he linked to. Here it is again...... http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19166

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Re: Im loving Poker770 Dunno what to make of Poker770 at all. Bust out 2 nights on the trot holding AA. The last game I played there I was on the button with QJ and only 2 other players at the table. SB put a decent sized raise in and I called after the BB folded. Flop came down *QJ. SB puts in a big bet which I re-raised. Turn brings a K. SB puts me all-in and shows KA. What does the river produce? An ace! :wall If the standard of play there is weak then there's a lot of weak players getting helluva lucky! :loon

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