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Virgin Poker - Short Handed Single Tables


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I may have just had a lucky weekend this week (or unlucky depending how you look at it), but does anyone here play the short handed STTs on Virgin? and do you find them 'easy'? The story begins with me depositing $25 on saturday afternoon, I jumped straight into a $20 game and within 10 minutes we were into the money (2nd place isn't a whole lot, but atleast you get your money back). Another 10 minutes later of hard and tight play (the blinds were still low) I eventually won the game. I have no idea how many I played that night but I was sticking to $30 Turbo and $50 games, I got up to about $410 and thought I'd try a $100 game (remember I only put in $20 anyway).... finished 3rd, ah well, still got $300 in.. So sunday afternoon I drop back down to $30 turbo and $50, at one point I'm down to $160, then back up to over $400 again... stupidly I try another $100, I think I play too tight on them, out in 3rd again. Another 5-6 games later and I'm back up over $400. Next game $50 out on the first hand, my Ace high straight beat by a fullhouse.. ah well. Yesterday was the same story, down and up but consistently going up.. over time. All this from $25 I deposited two days ago, I've now got $440 in and thinking about trying another $100 game tonight... or just stick to the $30 turbo as I seem to 'get lucky' on them :tongue2 So, who else here thinks these games are 'easy' (compared to others), I've played poker on a fair few sites and at one point I was playing 2-3 £20 games a night on Betfair till I lost like 3 in a row, but I just can't stop playing these Virgin short handed STTS. :hope Also - Does anyone know how to view a history of the games you've played on Virgin? I was interested in looking at how many games I've actually 'lost' (not top two), this weekend, because I actually think it's a fair few, but I've won more than I've lost... and lost the two biggest games which will have made the biggest difference to my balance.

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Re: Virgin Poker - Short Handed Single Tables All of my recent wins, barring one (9 player STT on PokerStars), have come in the 6 seater STTs at VC Poker... "Should" have won more, but was sucked out on the river a few times, but thats Poker, and happens to all of us...Having said that, I remember two hamds where I was pretty much drawing dead, and hit the river meself, so over time, I guess it does even out... Congrsts on your recent successes, and you are definitely in the right place - Punters Lounge is the best poker forum by far....

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Re: Virgin Poker - Short Handed Single Tables For your history of games on as it now seems to record every single hand and game that you have played since that update a few weeks ago. When you get to the lobby screen 1 go to the tournament section 2 click on any game that is running 3 pick any table and go to watch that table 4 when the table loads click on LIVE HELP 5 two boxs there click on hand history. For me it's recording hands from the 11th of june this year to present day Then just scroll through and work out your profits and losses. Hope thats of some help.

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