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losing my virginity


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with regard to live poker that is, must be one of the last folks on here that has been a 100% online player. Heading off to a live tournement in a pub in an hour, I'm pretty nervous tbh. Just going to try and stick to my tight game and not do anything stupid.

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Re: losing my virginity I live in the southern hemisphere TM, it's 6:45pm here just now, 8:00pm start, dunno the structure of the night (freeze out, rebuy etc ), or how long it goes on for. I've stuck $150 in my back pocket and we'll see how it goes from there.

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Re: losing my virginity it was very enjoyable. $20 entry (about £8), no rebuys. 25 players 4 places paid. ($200, $150, $100, $50) Was slighly nervous at first, but everyone was really friendly. Think the standard was pretty good, meet a guy that played in the main event of the wsop this year (he had his pokerstars wsop team 2006 shirt on), so i bought in, bought a beer and started playing. We started with 3 tables, blinds at 10/20 for the first 20 mins, didn't play much as i didn't get the cards. Got dealt AA, but the table folded to my 100 preflop raise. Found myself still in at the first break after an hours play, exactly where I started with 1,500 chips. Blinds were now at 75/150, so I started to losen up a bit, and went all in with 8 8 and got called with K J, by the guy running the tournement, my 8's held up and I coasted to the final table. Started the final table with about 5k in chips, a couple of short stacks got elinimated quickly and suddenly I find myself at the bubble. For the first time that night, I had to think what was my game plan, did I want to limp ITM, or have a go at winning it. I decided that I'd been playing for 3.5 hours and had good value for my $20, so decided to have a shot at winning. Got A 10, and pushed. Got a single caller with a pair of Queens, I paired my Ace on the flop but ran into another queen on the turn, so out in fifth. Pretty happy with my performance, but more importantly I gained a lot of info about other games, closer to my home and where I work. There appears to be a $10 or $20 tournement on just about every night. Certainly be back

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Guest gazza271

Re: losing my virginity

Damn...I haven't got a comment to make' date=' just for some reason I seem to be drawn to Foolsgold's posts.:D :eyes[/quote'] perv same here :$ Seriously tho Fools great result mate for your first live game :clap :clap The first of many I expect :ok
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Re: losing my virginity

Still keen to sample a "takeaway"' date=' but fear I might want another one 30 minutes later[/quote']:lol Glad you enjoyed yourself Fools. After playing live the online games seems slightly 'sterile'. You find you miss hearing the clink of the chips and the interaction with real people. Incidentally, have you thought about trying to qualify for the Aussie millions? I think its the first big tourney of the New Year. The reason I ask is I would have thought there would be more opportunities for someone relatively local to qualify.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: losing my virginity have been 4 times now, first two times I made the final table but not the money, third time I was out 2nd hand when my 3 queens ran into 3 kings. Went back for another go last night and finished 2nd out of a smaller field of 19, and got paid $120 for a $20 entry. Only just starting to get my head around the difference in the game, people seem to bluff more live, and call with less. Next event for me is an $100+10 event at the weekend, been told the standard is pretty poor

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Re: losing my virginity

Only just starting to get my head around the difference in the game' date=' people seem to bluff more live, and call with less. [/quote'] That's not the conventional view - most live players complain about Internet players who "play bingo" and constantly call with anything..... Anyway- well done mate - you've showing a profit overall (we won't include drinking expenses, assuming you'd have had them anyway :P)
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  • 6 months later...

Re: losing my virginity Thought I'd do a little update on this thread, been playing a pub game which has a 16 week league, top ten go into a 10 player STT to play off for a cool little chopper motorbike. After 15 weeks I'm well clear at the top of the table, and a certainity to make the final STT. :loon I even get my photo on the Internet :ok Except I can't play in because I'm out of the country on holiday :$ I land 2 hours after it starts. i'm gutted. http://www.pokernights.co.nz/wawcs0128416/idDetails=190/Spectator%20Bar%20Leaderboard

:history.back(1)'>back_button.gif theme_header_bullet.jpg Spectator Bar Leaderboard

This Week's Winner - Alan J

Play at Spectator Bar and you could win your very own Mini Chopper... We are running a 16 week competition at the Spectator Bar to win a Mini Chopper. At the end of 16 Tournaments the top 10 money earners will play 1 final table with the winner riding away with their very own Mini Chopper.
Congratulations to Alan J who won Tournament #15 last week and took away $180 securing 1st Place on the Leaderboard and Congratulations to Dazz for placing in the money and also putiing himself on the leaderboard giving him a very good chance to play for the Mini Chopper. 1 Week to go to the final table
#NicknameBuy-insHitsTotal Winnings
1Alan J1518$411.50
2K Dawg1415$366.00
5Jimmy B1220$208.00
10The Unit115$188.00
11J Dubs512$188.00
14The African711$170.00
23Flaming Jax111$130.00
24Jesus Jones42$113.00
27Extra Cheeeese103$101.00
30Raoul Ganja1012$80.00
37Captain Snatho58$45.50
40The Running Man26$40.00
53Bluffalo Bill62$25.00
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