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poker sites for novice


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Re: poker sites for novice Right just spent 35 mins reading them and now i know where i`m going wrong. The 10 reasons i dont win owt and my new rules 1) Do not drink alcohol when playin online 2) Do not invite ladyboys to watch when playing online 3) Do take all hands seriously 4) Stop playing 7 2 off suit 5) Less chat more concentration 6) Focus 7) Money is money 8) Stop sayin nh when you know it was not 9) Play your hand and stop trying to trap (cards thats is) Finally 10) ignore 1 to 9 and have a laff!

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Re: poker sites for novice hi frank read the 'how to win cash' threads somone else posted as to sites - I would suggest tribeca sites as they have micro buy in tourney where you can get used to how poker works on the interweb etc VC poker is one you can play a mini tourney - you against 8 others for only 10 cents - its a great way to play cards without losing to much cash Damo ps GOOD LUCK and welcome to PL

hello to all , first post :unsure would like to know recommended poker sites for novices and if you play several is there that much difference between them ? :ok thanks
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Re: poker sites for novice Hi Frank and :welcome . I started out playing at Blue Sq, which I think is really good for beginners. They run nightly freerolls (bankroll booster) at 7.45pm and also have STT's from $1. I like the bankroll booster as there aren't many entrants (compared to other sites that is) and it's a good way to experiment and see how different playing styles suit you without risking any cash. Good luck :ok Colin

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Re: poker sites for novice Blue Square is on the tribeca network, and as Damo pointed out there's lots of small buy-in tourneys to help you get used to poker on the net, plus the Bankroll Booster is a very good freeroll that you can play nightly to get more experience. I personally really like Pokerstars for the variety of games, but the standard there is significantly higher than a lot of sites, IMO. I wouldn't recommend playing cash games for a while, but when you DO feel ready, Sporting Odds has a much easier bonus to clear than pretty much any other site I can remember playing on. :welcome, as well :ok

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Re: poker sites for novice Frank, I'd suggest you try as many different sites as you can, play freerolls on there and see how you like the whole 'package'. Just because 'we' may like one site doesn't mean it necessarily suits your game, so take your time in making your decision. Thats why looking in the daily diary and keeping an eye out for 'value' tourneys is important. It will give you a fairly wide range of different sites to try. Another thing I'd suggest is to get an e-wallet (like Neteller), so you're not depositing straight from your bank account, and never use credit cards, as I believe any deposits with them are now classed as cash transfers and charged accordingly.

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