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SO Barcelona Open


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Re: SO Barcelona Open just thinking about the mistakes I made, which at least would have probably got me into the money 1) accidently pressed call when UTG for 1k with J2o,obviously a reraise was going to come so didnteven see a flop. 2) early on, had about 12K and there was one guy who kept reraising my raises, decided to call with 22 like an idiot and he turned over 1010, which lost me about 4K - didnt make much difference at that time but very valuable later on. Another thing Ive noticed recently is when I get near the money,the cards are drying up, alot of people go into allin or nothing mode, and I'm getting nothing to compete with, still got a fair bit of play for my $5 dollar entry fee 3 tourneys ago

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Re: SO Barcelona Open Sorry to hear that Mike tell Lou the shopping in Barcelona aint that great if you think of a price of a skirt here in uk when in Barcelona times that price by 5 and you're about there.....however did get a good price on a Barcelona FBall shirt but equated to £3 cheaper than UK. still a great place to go though. Carrie

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