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terrible luck on sportingodds


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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

Yes they've caught in all 3 occasions' date=' but do you criticise your opponents play at all? Not sure how this would be better at higher buy ins as some have suggested :unsure[/quote'] I guess I must be "some people" :unsure I was talking about the difference between high and low stake in general and not the specific hands. ...as Fader claimed that Online play had gotten worse lately... and I am not surprised that you think that when you play $ 5 stt. But... this is not the first time we've had this talk about Stt's.. and I feel I am repeating myself... I will shut up now...
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds I have to agree with everything Sharpy has said VERY nice post (post of the day for me!!!) Damo

Well a couple of things. A. It ain't Sporting Odds players that are terrible it's Boss Media wide players.(Look at the Champions league and Tikays tourny they are Sportings Odds OWN competitions and I would say that the standard in these games is high even for a $3 and $10 buy in) B.Low stake games on Boss Media software do contain a lot of Muppets who will call with any old shite but if you take your time and fill out your player notes you do hold an advantage and can milk these people all day long. I put £20 in Sporting Odds Sportsbook site and have never deposited again due to when the poker site opened there was massive value tournaments,which Damo will back me up on,and it's been paying for an unemployed(hopefully not soon cos i've finally had the shoulder surgery i've been waiting for for 2 years)bloke to go on holiday and supplement his pee poor income for the last 3(or 4 or 5 years can't remember) Yes we all get screwed over from time to time but if your a good enough player you will make that money back over the long run. As a rule I play mainly $10 Single tables 50 percent of the players are poor 25 percent decent and the other 25 percent very good honestly it's like taking candy from a baby sometimes.I'll occasionally move up to $20 dollar tables and still make a decent living off that. It does rile me though having a thread title of this nature though because Sporting Odds have backed us in a lot of tournament and Joe Legge deserves an Employee of the Century Award for all his help he has given us.Any chance of title change to Boss Media terrible players on site:ok God this took forever with my arm in a sling and hurtin like hell:cry
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

...as Fader claimed that Online play had gotten worse lately... and I am not surprised that you think that when you play $ 5 stt.
I do think think it has got worse, i think people aint afraid of making them shameful calls of all-in with A2 and catching a 2 on river because they cant be seen like in a bricks & mortar casino. I normally play HU $10 or $20 and the same on SNG's. There alot of poor players on every site i've been on, although who am i to say their crap players - hey, maybe its me
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

I do think think it has got worse' date=' [/quote'] Fantastic :ok Worse play from my opponents equals bigger profits for me :-) Of the four hands you posted, which do you think your opponents played badly and what would you have done different?
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds gottafancy - It's more really the poor players/poor play catching their cards - before ya know i could just say, they ill win in long term but recently its just constantly happening. I havent deposited in that account once, they give me $20 free for some reason, and i won a multi table heads up tourny for $108, but it's just gone down hill last week on that money with the type of play above mentioned.

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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

gottafancy - It's more really the poor players/poor play catching their cards
The hands you've posted have shown players being behind and catching - no argument there - but hey, that's poker - happens to everyone (live and online) - it's normal. What I haven't seen is any clear evidence of poor play/poor players - they may have been bad moves, BUT with the information you have provided they could very well have been the "right" plays. The critical information you are missing is the stack sizes as a proportion of the blinds - this is as important (perhaps MORE important) than what the cards were......
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

Have to say I really struggle with posts (and responses) like these - but seem to be in the minority - so perhaps someone can explain what I am missing...... As I see it, you have 2 options...... 1) you can play at a lower buy in where the standard of play is generally poorer than your ability level. When you hit a hand, you bet and are generally called by worse hands. You go in as favourite, usually win, but are occasionally outdrawn (those occasions may, by normal variance, occur in "sequences") Overall you will win. 2) you can play at a higher buy in where the standard of play is generally stronger than your ability level. When you hit a hand, you bet and will usually not get significant action. When you do, it will be because you are behind. Your opponent will usually go in as favourite and you will usually lose the hand, however occasionally you will outdraw your opponent. Overall you will lose. What am I missing? Why do so many people prefer scenario 2?
I struggle from a different angle GaF why people are allowed to title threads like this and it is still standing. The title is misleading to what he is actually saying and I thought SO were good partners to PL. I do agree though he has no real complaint with the hands he had and also a decent poker player should be glad to come up against poor players, thats what players notes and long term strategies are about:ok:ok
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

I struggle from a different angle GaF why people are allowed to title threads like this and it is still standing. The title is misleading to what he is actually saying and I thought SO were good partners to PL.
I SOOOOOO echo that... and that was why I replied to the thread in the first place: "what does that have to do with Sporting Odds"
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Re: terrible luck on sportingodds

I struggle from a different angle GaF why people are allowed to title threads like this and it is still standing. The title is misleading to what he is actually saying and I thought SO were good partners to PL.
Thread title changed. ;) SO are decent partners but I wouldn't honestly give them too much praise as they come well down the list for the best poker deals we have struck with all poker companies. That's no disrespect to Joe Legge, a nice guy but his hands are tied somewhat.
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