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terrible luck on sportingodds


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lost 4 $10 HU in a row 66 vs 22 - 2 on flop J4 :\ - AJ - J on flop 4 on river 77 - my 86 small raise i call bet him on flop when 8 comes in, runner runner straight A5 - A6 - he gets A and 6 on river :@ disgusted with the standard of play online last few months its got worse :@

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Re: terrible site - sportingodds Hmmm... I play nothing else but Sporting Odds... play $ 50 or $ 100 stt's or cash tables....and the standard is fine (or maybe I am just terrible too :( ) And I somehow got the impression that people inhere are searching for the so-called "fish-tanks"... meaning... trying to find the sites with the worst players... and take their money... So... why is it a bad thing, that you find the players on Sporting Odds so terrible???

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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

:@ disgusted with the standard of play online last few months its got worse :@
I hear casino players saying the same thing.
because it seems to me that everytime i get one of these jokers, they catch 2 pair or something or in some way get lucky and drives me mad hence the hands above
Ah, while I may have some sympathey for you, I bet you don't remember so vividly the following; a) When you have outdrawn the opponent b) When adverse variance hasn't happened, and when you have started a race ahead you've finished it ahead too. Don't take it the wrong way. I'm not flaming you, but I think we all are guilty of selctive memories. I do it too. Complain aout losing with KK vs QQ on the river, when an hour before my 99 has outdrawn AA.
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

Ah, while I may have some sympathey for you, I bet you don't remember so vividly the following; a) When you have outdrawn the opponent b) When adverse variance hasn't happened, and when you have started a race ahead you've finished it ahead too. Don't take it the wrong way. I'm not flaming you, but I think we all are guilty of selctive memories. I do it too. Complain aout losing with KK vs QQ on the river, when an hour before my 99 has outdrawn AA.
Yes, it's easy to forget that if you play two hands where you're a 3 to 2 favourite, then you only have a 36% chance of winning both of them, so if you do then you're almost as lucky as the other guy is when he wins one hand where he's a 2 to 1 underdog. But when you're favourite and you win, you don't think of it so much as being "lucky", as you feel you deserve to win. I've never had the patience to do it, but I've thought it might be an instructive exercise to note down all the hands where you're all in and it goes to a showdown, including the ones where you're ahead, and afterwards figure out not only how unlucky you were to lose the one that eventually knocked you out, but also how lucky you were to win all the previous ones and survive that far in the first place.
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds Well , i would say you were plain unlucky there . Sometimes s**t just happens . You got to live with it . Not your day perhaps ? In the long run , you'll be the one laughing and not those jokers IMO .

lost 4 $10 HU in a row 66 vs 22 - 2 on flop J4 :\ - AJ - J on flop 4 on river 77 - my 86 small raise i call bet him on flop when 8 comes in, runner runner straight A5 - A6 - he gets A and 6 on river :@ disgusted with the standard of play online last few months its got worse :@
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

I've never had the patience to do it, but I've thought it might be an instructive exercise to note down all the hands where you're all in and it goes to a showdown, including the ones where you're ahead, and afterwards figure out not only how unlucky you were to lose the one that eventually knocked you out, but also how lucky you were to win all the previous ones and survive that far in the first place.
I'm doing this now with my STT's. I'll try to remember to do them for the rest of the day. :unsure I'm not posting hand histories, just what the cards were that were involved. ;)
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

lost 4 $10 HU in a row 66 vs 22 - 2 on flop J4 :\ - AJ - J on flop 4 on river 77 - my 86 small raise i call bet him on flop when 8 comes in, runner runner straight A5 - A6 - he gets A and 6 on river :@ disgusted with the standard of play online last few months its got worse :@
I don't mean this post to put you down but...... Couple of questions about your hands. 1) In the 66 v 22 hand, I'll assume you had the 66. What was the bet pre-flop (all-in/limp in/bb)? Did you or he bet? Who was first to have an option to make a move? 2) How did the J4/AJ hand play out, again I'll assume you had the AJ. What happened pre-flop? Did you bet and he called? What sort of bet was it (all-in/limp/bb)? 3) Why are you annoyed about the A5/A6 hand? Whether he got a 6 on the river, he had you beat anyway. He had the better hand.
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

no trust me you still get the fish even with a $109 buy-in TRUST ME (well at least trust what my BR is showing after from last month:sad ) Damo
Maybe you're the fishie, Damo :lol :lol :lol :rollin :rollin :rollin :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 ...like me... come join my bowl... :ok
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds you're probably right pene I am a fish for shoving on the bubble after I folded hand after hand playing ultra tight through the first 4 levels and then coz the blinds are so big compared to my stack i shove AQ and get called by someone with J4s for half his stack, just because its his BB...... do i need to tell you the river card? :eyes :@ :eyes :puke its at this point that I decided that I might as well go and play the cash tables and shove bollox there, as its quicker and easier and if i get to be a lucky muppet I can cash out straight away Damo oh yes - this was a $109 buyin full table

Maybe you're the fishie, Damo :lol :lol :lol :rollin :rollin :rollin :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 ...like me... come join my bowl... :ok
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds BIg buy in player Damo eh :lol:lol:lol Must be having some good outings at sportingoods :unsure:unsure

you're probably right pene I am a fish for shoving on the bubble after I folded hand after hand playing ultra tight through the first 4 levels and then coz the blinds are so big compared to my stack i shove AQ and get called by someone with J4s for half his stack, just because its his BB...... do i need to tell you the river card? :eyes :@ :eyes :puke its at this point that I decided that I might as well go and play the cash tables and shove bollox there, as its quicker and easier and if i get to be a lucky muppet I can cash out straight away Damo oh yes - this was a $109 buyin full table
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds nah crap actually, very very very crap - its called variance, but it just ****s you off when its day after day after day after day after........ which is why i am only playing barely an hour or so every other day or so at the minute, until this shit losing streak goes away:puke Damo ps thanks for asking! :tongue2 ;) :lol :ok

Must be having some good outings at sportingoods :unsure:unsure
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds Lucky for me then :lol:lol:lol:lol . They don't accept neteller at all and its troublesome to get a bank transfer to them , so i try to build up a bit of bankroll by playing safety net . Wait till i get near that amount , may throw the whole sum in for a bit of fun :loon:loon:loon:loon

nah crap actually, very very very crap - its called variance, but it just ****s you off when its day after day after day after day after........ which is why i am only playing barely an hour or so every other day or so at the minute, until this shit losing streak goes away:puke Damo ps thanks for asking! :tongue2 ;) :lol :ok
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds Have to say I really struggle with posts (and responses) like these - but seem to be in the minority - so perhaps someone can explain what I am missing...... As I see it, you have 2 options...... 1) you can play at a lower buy in where the standard of play is generally poorer than your ability level. When you hit a hand, you bet and are generally called by worse hands. You go in as favourite, usually win, but are occasionally outdrawn (those occasions may, by normal variance, occur in "sequences") Overall you will win. 2) you can play at a higher buy in where the standard of play is generally stronger than your ability level. When you hit a hand, you bet and will usually not get significant action. When you do, it will be because you are behind. Your opponent will usually go in as favourite and you will usually lose the hand, however occasionally you will outdraw your opponent. Overall you will lose. What am I missing? Why do so many people prefer scenario 2?

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Re: terrible site - sportingodds Not sure why , but i think that 2 is better . 2 are the ones who know how to play the game properly . If you play your cards right , you may end up beating some of them . For 1 , it hurts real bad when your big hands get cracked . instead of getting pissed off whenever your better hands get beat , why not challenge yourself to beat other better players ?

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Re: terrible site - sportingodds I don't think you are missing much at all I prefer no 1 myself as in the long run its pays - however in the short run it plays havoc with the BR:cry so how do I get out of my bad run? - play really low levels (for my BR) where I don't 'care' as much whether I win or lose (for me thats the $5.50) - but play just to try some moves and focus on my reading skills and how I might play hands to maximise profits etc and after a bit, move back up to 'higher' lower buy ins (the $22's) and grind by multi-tabling to build the BR back up again - its not pretty but necessary Damo :cheers

Have to say I really struggle with posts (and responses) like these - but seem to be in the minority - so perhaps someone can explain what I am missing...... As I see it, you have 2 options...... 1) you can play at a lower buy in where the standard of play is generally poorer than your ability level. When you hit a hand, you bet and are generally called by worse hands. You go in as favourite, usually win, but are occasionally outdrawn (those occasions may, by normal variance, occur in "sequences") Overall you will win. 2) you can play at a higher buy in where the standard of play is generally stronger than your ability level. When you hit a hand, you bet and will usually not get significant action. When you do, it will be because you are behind. Your opponent will usually go in as favourite and you will usually lose the hand, however occasionally you will outdraw your opponent. Overall you will lose. What am I missing? Why do so many people prefer scenario 2?
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds because if they are better players you NEED to hit your hand, better players don't need to hit their hand, they can bet people off pots with nothing/next to nothing if the opposition are weak you also have to figure in the risk/reward regarding your bankroll - if you don't have a sufficient BR you can go bust - which makes stepping up a pointless exercise Damo

Not sure why , but i think that 2 is better . 2 are the ones who know how to play the game properly . If you play your cards right , you may end up beating some of them . For 1 , it hurts real bad when your big hands get cracked . instead of getting pissed off whenever your better hands get beat , why not challenge yourself to beat other better players ?
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds Good point Damo . :clap:clap:clap Will see what happens when i have a bit of a bankroll in sportingodds . :lol:lol:lol

because if they are better players you NEED to hit your hand, better players don't need to hit their hand, they can bet people off pots with nothing/next to nothing if the opposition are weak you also have to figure in the risk/reward regarding your bankroll - if you don't have a sufficient BR you can go bust - which makes stepping up a pointless exercise Damo
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

1) In the 66 v 22 hand, I'll assume you had the 66. What was the bet pre-flop (all-in/limp in/bb)? Did you or he bet? Who was first to have an option to make a move?
it was HU - big blinds, he went all-in
2) How did the J4/AJ hand play out, again I'll assume you had the AJ. What happened pre-flop? Did you bet and he called? What sort of bet was it (all-in/limp/bb)?
i raised 150 he called, flop come out Jxx, he went all-in i called 4 on river
3) Why are you annoyed about the A5/A6 hand? Whether he got a 6 on the river, he had you beat anyway. He had the better hand.
i had the A6
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds

i had the A6
With such low kickers, that will often end in a split pot ...... it is only a 58% / 42% split - not far from what is often considered a coin flip..... Depending on the blinds, I'd be shoving HU with 22 too..... And if I have J4, I probably don't limp, but if I do and catch a J, HU I cant see myself laying it down....... Yes they've caught in all 3 occasions, but do you criticise your opponents play at all? Not sure how this would be better at higher buy ins as some have suggested :unsure
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Re: terrible site - sportingodds Well a couple of things. A. It ain't Sporting Odds players that are terrible it's Boss Media wide players.(Look at the Champions league and Tikays tourny they are Sportings Odds OWN competitions and I would say that the standard in these games is high even for a $3 and $10 buy in) B.Low stake games on Boss Media software do contain a lot of Muppets who will call with any old shite but if you take your time and fill out your player notes you do hold an advantage and can milk these people all day long. I put £20 in Sporting Odds Sportsbook site and have never deposited again due to when the poker site opened there was massive value tournaments,which Damo will back me up on,and it's been paying for an unemployed(hopefully not soon cos i've finally had the shoulder surgery i've been waiting for for 2 years)bloke to go on holiday and supplement his pee poor income for the last 3(or 4 or 5 years can't remember) Yes we all get screwed over from time to time but if your a good enough player you will make that money back over the long run. As a rule I play mainly $10 Single tables 50 percent of the players are poor 25 percent decent and the other 25 percent very good honestly it's like taking candy from a baby sometimes.I'll occasionally move up to $20 dollar tables and still make a decent living off that. It does rile me though having a thread title of this nature though because Sporting Odds have backed us in a lot of tournament and Joe Legge deserves an Employee of the Century Award for all his help he has given us.Any chance of title change to Boss Media terrible players on site:ok God this took forever with my arm in a sling and hurtin like hell:cry

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