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3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight


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Folded the last one as well, to Badger's all in. Hand #398079987 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 22:35:01 2006 El Papa is at seat 1 with 4095.00 craigyboy7 is at seat 3 with 1760.00 BazzerPen is at seat 4 with 265.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1305.00 El Papa posts the large blind 50.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 25.00 JadedJ: Ah, 10d El Papa: --, -- craigyboy7: --, -- BazzerPen: --, -- Pre-flop: craigyboy7: Fold BazzerPen: Call 50.00 Raise, call, or carry on being ultra-tight and drop them?!

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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight well ur certantly not folding it!!!! nor are u calling:) bazzer is the table mupp by the sound of it. he has 265 left...you want it before someone else gets it a raise to 150-200 should do it. if the bb decides he has a hand ..no real damage done

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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight Having read the series of hands posted.. I'd reraise BazzerPen to put him all in.. could be playing with any Ax, suited or not. Could also have you dominated but judging from the last hands prob not. If El Papa decides to call, you're in pretty good shape 4 handed, and probably have at least the 10 live - if not both hole cards. If he calls you can put him on mixed paint, or a suited ace maybe. Obviously would fold to a re-reaise from El Papa. If El Papa is playing tight/conservative you hope he has the sense to check it down after the flop.. if he doesn't you have to give him credit for a hand.

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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight I would raise to 400 or so - make it obvious to papa you are serious about your hand - plus it starts a side pot if you are called easy one this one:ok Damo

Folded the last one as well, to Badger's all in. Hand #398079987 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 22:35:01 2006 El Papa is at seat 1 with 4095.00 craigyboy7 is at seat 3 with 1760.00 BazzerPen is at seat 4 with 265.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1305.00 El Papa posts the large blind 50.00 JadedJ posts the small blind 25.00 JadedJ: Ah, 10d El Papa: --, -- craigyboy7: --, -- BazzerPen: --, -- Pre-flop: craigyboy7: Fold BazzerPen: Call 50.00 Raise, call, or carry on being ultra-tight and drop them?!
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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight sorry but thats rubbish - thats only 150/200 - I am calling on the BB for only another 100 with 4K in chips - and with Boss bringing back the under raise rule, you might find yourself not being able to reraise to isolate if bazza shoves. (that is, if he can't raise the minimum you raised you can only call his AI despite other players in the pot:eyes - its the worst fecking rule they have, they got rid of it at one point so you could shove to the under raise but I have noticed you can't anymore - its NO LIMIT for fecks sake, which means I should be able to bet my entire stack at any time despite what others have done!!!!!!!!!!!) Damo

I'd raise to approximately 50% of bazzers stack... and call if he shoves. Re-assess depending on Papa's play. :ok
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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight Thanks guys - I pushed to 400, ended up all in against Bazzer's Q5 - I caught my K and he got 2 pair! Definitely think I played it correctly, though, and he went out soon afterwards :)

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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight no ...its not rubbish. as the threads title suggests you are playing tight. you have 1300 chips...if you raise to 400 you are investing too much of your chips in an unfavourable position against the chip leader being out of position and his call there would indicate strength rather than weakness. you would have to bet on the flop etc etc. that raise to 400 is dreadful play ...better to push here than raise to 400. i like the 150 -200 raise. the bb has only 50 in the pot. if he is paying attention he will realise that your bet cannot be called by the fish ...the fish should be all in pre flop so realistically he is looking at investing the chips the short stack has. also every time you play a hand you run the risk of losing your chips so to call the bb has to have some sort of hand. so if the bb has some sort of hand he will call the 200 raise and he will also call the 400 raise ...he may decide to push. you raise to 400 you are inclined to call ...u dont have to if you raise to 150-200. its all about the chip leader here. and as you are playing tight and a/10 isnt the biggest of hands for me the small raise works best as you can get away from the hand with out investing too much. also you can bet the flop too and not be pot commited.

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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight going to disagree - if JJ raises to 150 as Val originally suggested then its an easy call for papa as its only 100 more out of 4K and he can call with any 2 at this point (and lets just assume bazza folds at the minute) the flop comes J 9 3 rainbow and papa is first to act so leads out with a bet of 200 - how good do you think your A 10 is? or the flop comes Q 10 6 rainbow and papa leads out with 200 - now what? or its 3 cards of the same suit (which you dont have) and he bets 200?? a 2BB raise here is rubbish - a raise to 400 means business if papa pushes and baz calls its an easy fold - if papa pushes and baz folds - its a think about it moment you want to get baz HU and a raise to 400 achieves that against a TIGHT player (which papa is) without resorting to a shove and papa waking up KK - against a loose player then by all means shove, but then again he may well call with his K8s - why risk more than you need to achieve the result you want? if you shove and papa re-shoves it is an easy fold for baz now hoping to limp ITM. just my thoughts Damo

no ...its not rubbish.
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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight lol:) ok point taken. i feel if you raise to 400 and bb calls...what then? out of position and a missed flop. 900 behind and 1000+ in the pot. only bet winning it is all in and as said bb shows more strength with the flat call. i dont like busting out with ace rag. its good though to see how every one would play the hand. no right or wrong way imo without playing the hand yourself.

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Re: 3 in a row Part 3 - AT when playing ultra-tight I meant 2 more BB - i.e 100 more to make it 150 - I s'pose its semantics but when you raise 4BB to me that is actually 4 more BB + a BB - if you make it 200 to play thats only raising 3 more blinds (not 4) re the flop question - if you miss and papa bets its in the bin - easy answer as bazz is on the BB next hand and you can afford to let him bust to get ITM as I said, given what JJ said with papa being tight, he is folding all but premium PP (aa-qq) AK to a 400 bet (he might call with Aq perhaps?) unless he fancies calling and checking it down to have 2 goes at busting bazza? Damo

btw the blinds are 25/50 so a raise to 150-200 is a 3-4* bb raise not 2 which would be a bit silly
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