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3 in a row Part 2 - Junk in BB against short stack


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Actually, just realised this is 2 hands after the first, so they're not QUITE in a row. Folded that one (regretted it straight away!!), Papa won a small pot without a showdown. Hand #398079586 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 22:34:23 2006 El Papa is at seat 1 with 4145.00 craigyboy7 is at seat 3 with 1760.00 BazzerPen is at seat 4 with 190.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1330.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 50.00 BazzerPen posts the small blind 25.00 BazzerPen: --, -- JadedJ: 2h, 4c El Papa: --, -- craigyboy7: --, -- Pre-flop: El Papa: Fold craigyboy7: Fold BazzerPen: Call 50.00 JadedJ: Check Flop (Board: Kd, 5s, Jd): BazzerPen: All in 165 to call to win a pot of 430 - worth it?

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Re: 3 in a row Part 2 - Junk in BB against short stack no not now - you have completely missed the flop what is interesting is whether you call PF if he shoves there is 265 in the middle if he shoves and it costs you 165 to call - which is less than 2:1 - I would actually fold to the PF shove as well - give me 2:1 odds and I am calling against his microstack even with 24 ditch it and move on Damo

Actually, just realised this is 2 hands after the first, so they're not QUITE in a row. Folded that one (regretted it straight away!!), Papa won a small pot without a showdown. Hand #398079586 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 22:34:23 2006 El Papa is at seat 1 with 4145.00 craigyboy7 is at seat 3 with 1760.00 BazzerPen is at seat 4 with 190.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1330.00 JadedJ posts the large blind 50.00 BazzerPen posts the small blind 25.00 BazzerPen: --, -- JadedJ: 2h, 4c El Papa: --, -- craigyboy7: --, -- Pre-flop: El Papa: Fold craigyboy7: Fold BazzerPen: Call 50.00 JadedJ: Check Flop (Board: Kd, 5s, Jd): BazzerPen: All in 165 to call to win a pot of 430 - worth it?
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Re: 3 in a row Part 2 - Junk in BB against short stack LOL posted my reply before seeing yours for once we agree - which prolly means that I have made a critical error, so i have changed my mind - CALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! (only joking) I would call if the 5 was a 2 or a 4 even with the K and J on the board - never let a pair go on the flop in this sort of situation Damo

:lol :lol ;) (Sorry Damo) Gotta fold here. :ok
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