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3 in a row Part 1 - KQs when playing ultra-tight


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Hope no one minds all these threads, but I'm finding the responses extremely interesting. Had 3 in a row I'm not sure about just no, so will post them all... what I did here will be given away in part 2! Reads: Bazzer is loose, as I know from previous games today. Papa seems tight. Craigy in between. I'm playing extremely tight, haven't actually played a hand yet. Hand #398078846 at table: 5 Player $5 NL Started: Sun Aug 20 22:33:21 2006 El Papa is at seat 1 with 3795.00 craigyboy7 is at seat 3 with 1935.00 BazzerPen is at seat 4 with 315.00 JadedJ is at seat 5 with 1380.00 craigyboy7 posts the large blind 50.00 El Papa posts the small blind 25.00 El Papa: --, -- craigyboy7: --, -- BazzerPen: --, -- JadedJ: Ks, Qs Pre-flop: BazzerPen: Call 50.00 Limp/raise/ditch?

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Re: 3 in a row Part 1 - KQs when playing ultra-tight lets assume you are ahead of bazza and he will call with any 2 PF to a raise as he is a desperate LAAG muppet so you want to raise enough to isolate but not too much that if one of the othes has a hand that you leave yourself shafted - papa is tight and will prolly fold to a raise of 200 - craigy,hmmm he has paid the BB will another 150 be enough? probably not, so raise to 300 (its now 250 for him to call) and hope the other 2 fold and call bazza's shove whatever the difference is I think this is a great opportunity to pick up nearly 500 chips against a loose opponent at minimal risk, its these edges that make a massive difference at the end of the game I would raise to 300 - of course if one of the others shoves - bin it, and if they call at least you have position Damo

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